Illinois school district teaching gender and sexuality starting with PRESCHOOL age kids
By ramontomeydw // 2022-05-01
A school district (SD) in the state of Illinois is teaching topics related to gender and sexual orientation to preschool children and up. Evanston/Skokie SD 65 would teach these controversial topics to young children as part of its LGBT+ Equity Month, Fox News reported. It added that each grade level will engage "in a selection of those topics." An announcement by the SD said the gender and sexuality topics seek to "broaden their understanding of identity of self and others, allyship, family structures, vocabulary, gender expression, stereotypes, colors on the intersectional pride flag and the historical contributions of LGBTQ+ people." Preschool students are set to tackle the LGBT pride flag, alongside the terms "non-binary," "queer," gay" and "lesbian." Kindergarten students are set to learn about transgenderism, while first-graders will learn about non-binary pronouns such as "ze," "zir" and "hir." Second graders will be taught "important LGBTQ+ vocabulary" and "respectful words to describe different identities related to gender and family structure." Third graders will learn about the difference between gender and "sex assigned at birth," alongside gender equity around the world. Lessons for fourth graders will center around gender inequality and misgendering. Meanwhile, fifth graders will focus on LGBTQ+ vocabulary and indigenous peoples. Students in sixth, seventh and eighth grade will learn about bills that target male-to-female (MTF) transgender athletes in school sports. They will also be taught about the actions they can take against the allegedly discriminatory bills. The SD added that beginning next school year, "the learning associated with the LGBTQ+ unit of study will be interwoven into our curriculum." Cristina Pushaw, press secretary for Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, denounced the plan in a statement. "This is appalling, but it's not surprising. Countless activists, politicians and media outlets have been gaslighting parents by claiming that 'there is no sex [education] in K-3' or 'kindergarteners aren't learning about transgenderism.' Unfortunately, this isn't true." (Related: 'Grooming' perfectly describes 'ideological manipulation' in schools: former teacher.)

LGBT brainwashing in public schools is INDEED happening

It appears that Evanston/Skokie SD 65 is just one of the many SDs that promote LGBT propaganda. According to a report by 100 Percent Fed Up, Bellingham Public Schools (BPS) in the state of Washington provided grant money to students in the SD's Gender Sexuality Alliance Club to host a drag show. It came about as a result of a competition organized by BPS, which allowed student groups from across the SD to pitch ideas for "improving their schools and community." Community members who attended the competition were given the chance to vote for the "big idea," with the winning ones receiving a portion of the $10,000 fund allocated for the purpose. More than one idea won the grant. The Gender Sexuality Alliance Club's proposal titled "Drop-Dead Gorgeous Drag Show" was among the winning ideas, with some parents approving of the event. Some parents, however, argued that students attending or participating in a drag show were "entirely inappropriate." Christopher Morris, whose son is enrolled as a second grader in BPS, expressed concern regarding the issue in a statement to Young America's Foundation. "As a BPS parent, I am very concerned to see that one of our middle schools not only has a 'Gender Sexuality Alliance Club,' but that it will be involved in a drag show. Our schools have become more interested in activism than education, pushing leftist gender ideology at every turn. What started out as a call for inclusion has become ceaseless promotion." has more stories about LGBTQ indoctrination in school districts. Watch this news report about parents in California's Los Alamitos Unified SD being outraged by the LGBTQ agenda pushed on their children. This video is from the Puretrauma357 channel on

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