Science position at Canadian university reserved for women, transgenders, non-binaries and "two-spirit persons"
By ethanh // 2022-05-02
The University of Waterloo in Canada is looking for someone to fill a science position that opened up at the school. But only women, transgenders, non-binaries and "two-spirit persons" are allowed to apply. The university's Faculty of Environment posted an announcement seeking applications for a PhD-level school in "geography, earth, and/or environmental science and sustainability, planning or a related discipline" who has "evidence of an active research program with emphasis on climate and/or climate change science, water science and sustainability, or future cities." Such a candidate could be anyone, including a white male who is highly qualified. But unless that white male self-identifies as a "woman" and wears makeup and a wig, he will not even be considered for the position because he is the wrong demographic and gender. In case you are unfamiliar with what a "two-spirit person" is, LGBTQ Health in Canada describes it as someone who "identifies as having both a masculine and a feminine spirit." The term was apparently invented back in 1990 by Myra Laramee at the Third Annual Inter-Tribal Native American, First Nations, Gay and Lesbian American conference. (Related: An LGBTQ medical school student in North Carolina was recently caught intentionally harming a patient who "misgendered" her.) "Two-spirit" can also include someone with "same-sex attraction and a wide variety of gender variance, including people who might be described in Western culture as gay, lesbian, bisexual, transsexual, transgender, gender queer, cross-dressers or who have multiple gender identities."

Ontario's Human Rights Code allows for this type of sexist and racist discrimination

Amazingly, the University of Waterloo's highly discriminatory requirements for the science position are fully legal under Section 14 of the Ontario Human Rights Code, which exists to "relieve hardship or economic disadvantage, help disadvantaged people or groups to achieve, or try to achieve, equal opportunity or help eliminate discrimination." It is unclear if there are any requirements beyond "self-identify" that an applicant would need to show in order to qualify. Many people these days self-identify as what they need to in order to attend school or get a job since white people, and especially white males, are discriminated against in virtually every sector of Western life. Apparently more than one-third of all white students now claim minority status when applying for college. About half of these claim Native American status, which is an easy one. It turns out that about 77 percent of all students who lie about their race are accepted by the schools to which they apply. One of the most famous examples of a white person falsely claiming Native American status is Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), who was roasted by former President Donald Trump for lying about being an Indian in order to advance in school and reach her current career status. Various Native American groups have denounced Warren for lying about her ethnic heritage, and for "using a DNA test to lay claim to any connection to the Cherokee Nation or any tribal nation," calling it "inappropriate and wrong." "Senator Warren is undermining tribal interests with her continued claims of tribal heritage," one of the groups said. Canada apparently has the same problem within its schools as faculty members have been caught lying about their indigenous identifications in order to get a job, or keep a job. "When it comes to sexual identity, there is generally no authentication or confirmation required for applicants," wrote Jonathan Turley on his website. In the comment section, someone wrote that it is high past time to boycott all institutions of "higher learning" that are doing things like this. More related news coverage about the sexual perversion that has swept the West can be found at Sources include: