Biden says MAGA is the most dangerous group in America, while totally ignoring the violent abortion terrorists on the left
By jdheyes // 2022-05-10
It's become obvious that Joe Biden's handlers, all of whom answer to Barack Obama, are convinced that the Democratic Party is going to be canceled by voters in November, and that there is a very high likelihood that Donald Trump will once again win the presidency in 2024, so long as enough states ensure the left can't cheat again and rob him of victory. It is evident by the leak last week of a draft Supreme Court decision that overturns the landmark 1973 abortion ruling Roe v. Wade and returns the issue to the states where it should have always been. The leak was designed to not simply reinvigorate the Democrat Party's base of domestic terrorist actors but to enrage them to the point where they once again began taking to the streets, using rioting and attacks to intimidate the justices into changing their minds and to scare voters into backing Dems again in November 'if they want all this violence to stop' -- the same modus operandi used following the death of George Floyd in May 2020. A day after the leak of the draft ruling to POLITICO -- no doubt from a left-wing activist within the Supreme Court itself -- a nasty riot broke out all the way across the country in Los Angeles, as pro-abortion activists clashed with police in the Pershing Square area. "Chief Moore later said that some of those who were in attendance at the rally attempted to “take the intersection” and some in the crowd threw rocks and bottles at officers as police tried to clear the area," KTLA reported. Here is a report from the outlet: This is only the beginning. These riots will intensify over the next several weeks ahead of the high court's official ruling in June, which is expected to remain the same, albeit there could be some minor changes. Then, once that ruling becomes official, hang on: It'll be the summer of 2020 all over again. On top of all of this, Biden has been instructed to become 'gaslighter-in-chief' to make sure it all happens. Shortly after the ruling was leaked -- an unprecedented act that will likely lead to the offender's disbarment -- he was trotted out to the podium to blow up the situation and make political enemies of more than 74 million of his fellow Americans, labeling them part of the most "extreme" political movement in our country's history (not the Klan which was founded by Democrats; not the left-wing Weather Underground domestic terrorists or Black Panthers of the 1960s -- Trump's supporters). “This is about a lot more than abortion,” Biden said, pointing to Roe as part of the right to privacy. “This reminds me of the debate with Robert Bork. Bork believed the only reason you had any inherent rights was because the government gave them to you,” Biden recalled. “When I was questioning him as the chairman, I said, ‘I believe I have the rights that I have not just because the government gave them to me, which you believe, but because I’m just a child of God—I exist.’” “So, the idea that somehow there is an inherent right, that there is no right of privacy, that there is no right,” Biden continued. “There’d been a law saying a married couple could not purchase birth control in the privacy of their own bedroom and use it. Well, that got struck down.” “Now, what happens if you have states changing the law, saying that that that children who are LGBT, who can’t be in classrooms with other children, is that is that legit under the way that the decision is written?” Biden asked — though it’s not clear what he was referencing because no states are currently considering such a law, which would very clearly be unconstitutional. “What are the next things that are going to be attacked?” he asked. “Because this MAGA crowd is really the most extreme political organization that’s existed in American history—-in recent American history.” That is some of the most politically extreme rhetoric in quite some time -- literally declaring 74-plus million Trump voters dangerous. More violence is coming to our cities and streets, and it will be fueled by left-wing deep state operatives who see one final opportunity to destroy our founding institutions. Sources include: