Why is the media reluctant to cover the American baby formula shortage?
By ethanh // 2022-05-10
It is becoming increasingly difficult to find baby formula in the United States. And yet almost nothing is being said about it by the media because it makes Joe Biden look bad. As you may recall, Hunter's dad promised to fix everything supposedly caused by his predecessor, including the ever-present broken supply chains. Ever since Biden took office, however, everything has gotten worse. Last fall, Biden's Food and Drug Administration (FDA) received a warning from a whistleblower about contamination issues at the Abbott Nutrition baby formula factory in Michigan. The regime had months to act but chose to do nothing instead. "The FDA reacted far too slowly to report this," said Rep. Rose DeLauro, a Democrat from Connecticut and a "reliably liberal ally," according to reports. Even DeLauro can see that Biden dropped the ball on this one. DeLauro wrote a letter to the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) inspector general demanding an immediate investigation into the contamination incident, which has left many exposed babies sick and dying. In this case, baby formula is in short supply not because of a lack of ingredients, but rather because the stuff appears to have been poisoned, even if unintentionally. DeLauro, who chairs the powerful House Appropriations Committee, presented a four-month-long trail of federal failures with regards to the contamination issue. That report arrived on October 20, but it took another two months for the whistleblower to even get interviewed. Then, it took until January 31 of the new year for the plant in question to get inspected. After that, it took almost another full month for an official recall to be issued. "Why did the FDA not spring into action?" DeLauro now wants to know. "Why did it take four months to pull this formula off store shelves? How many infants were fed contaminated formula during this time, by parents who trusted that the formula they were buying was safe? How many additional illnesses and deaths were there due to FDA's slow response?"

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The problem is now wildly out of control, thanks to the Biden regime's total mismanagement of the situation. Bare shelves and panicked parents are reminiscent of the bread lines and rationing that hit the former Soviet Union in the early 1990s right before its collapse. Even before the recall, inflation, labor shortages and persistent supply chain failures were affecting baby formula availability, not to mention many other types of food. Back in November, baby formula prices had already risen by 11 percent before the recall. In the first week of April, prices soared 31 percent. The latest figures suggest that baby formula is now 40 percent more expensive than it was last year. "This is a shocking number that you don't see for other categories," says Ben Reich, the CEO of Datasembly, the company that compiled these statistics. The problem is affecting major retailers like Walmart and Target, both of which are rationing supplies in some areas with purchase limits. The same goes for CVS, which is restricting the amount of baby formula that customers can purchase. Many younger millennials and "Gen Z" parents with children who voted for Biden are feeling regret now that his failed economic policies are directly affecting their families. "If this doesn't get fixed soon, I don't know how my son will survive," says Phoebe Carter, the mother of a five-year-old boy who suffers from a rare digestive and immune system disease. "I just can't stress that enough." More related news about can be found at Scarcity.news. Sources for this article include: JustTheNews.com NaturalNews.com