Missouri, Louisiana AGs file suit against Fauci, Biden, Psaki for colluding with Big Tech to censor speech, information
By jdheyes // 2022-05-10
The attorneys general of Missouri and Louisiana have filed a lawsuit against President Joe Biden, outgoing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and other regime officials for allegedly colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans and suppress vital information. Missouri Attorney General Eric Schmitt and Louisiana Attorney General Jeff Landry alleged in their suit that the regime conspired with social media giants before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent vital information from reaching the public because it did not match their narratives for continued lockdowns, business closures and mandatory vaccines. “Missourians and Americans use social media platforms, which are now ubiquitous in our modern society, to discuss topics like the efficacy of masks and the veracity of the lab-leak theory,” Schmitt noted in a press release. “In direct contravention to the First Amendment and freedom of speech, the Biden Administration has been engaged in a pernicious campaign to both pressure social media giants to censor and suppress speech and work directly with those platforms to achieve that censorship in a misguided and Orwellian campaign against ‘misinformation.'” He also announced the legal action on Twitter. "BREAKING: Missouri and Louisiana just filed suit against Joe Biden, Jen Psaki, Dr. Fauci, and other top-ranking officials for allegedly colluding with social media companies to suppress freedom of speech under the guise of combating 'misinformation,'" he wrote. "The lawsuit, filed today, alleges that the Biden Administration colluded with and pressured social media giants Meta, Twitter, and Youtube to suppress and censor free speech on topics like the Hunter Biden laptop story, the Lab Leak Theory, and more," he continued on the platform. The Missouri AG went on to provide some examples of what the named parties are alleged to have done. "In Oct. 2020, after publishing an article on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, the New York Post’s main Twitter account was locked, and Twitter blocked other users from sharing the link," he wrote. “Biden, his allies, and those acting in concert with them falsely attacked the Hunter Biden laptop story as ‘disinformation,'" says the lawsuit. "Over a year and a half later, the Washington Post and the NY Times acknowledged the truth and reliability of the story, but not before the damage was done and free speech was suppressed by Twitter and companies," Schmitt tweeted. He added: "Beginning in February 2020, Facebook and other social media platforms began aggressively censoring speech about the Lab Leak Theory, and Facebook updated its content moderation on COVID-19 to include 'false' and 'debunked' claims that COVID-19 was man-made or manufactured." "Only after major media outlets confirmed that COVID-19 escaping from a lab is a feasible possibility did Facebook and others stop censoring speech related to the Lab Leak Theory. Even the WSJ writes, 'Facebook acted in lockstep with the government,'" he added. Let's hope the lawsuit is successful because our bought-and-paid-for Congress isn't going to hold anyone accountable anytime soon. Sources include: CitizenFreePress.com NaturalNews.com