Where are the hate crime charges? Young black gang is terrorizing whites in Boston
By jdheyes // 2022-05-10
A gang of young black teens is purposely targeting and terrorizing whites in Boston, but so far not only has the 'mainstream media' neglected the story, but there also have not been any hate crime charges filed by prosecutors, either. As reported by The Epoch Times, the juvenile gang is actually being led by an 11-year-old girl as they terrorize mostly whites in a popular downtown area of the historic city. According to police reports, all of the youths are black and under the age of 14. In addition, one 13-year-old has already been charged with a felony for assault with a dangerous weapon and is currently being sought. "Their victims were all white—with the exception of one victim identified in the reports as a light-skinned Hispanic woman who the gang of juveniles allegedly called a 'white [expletive] with braids,'" the report said, adding: She told police the young minors began punching and kicking her after telling her she could not wear her hair “in the style” because she was “not black.” In one incident, the child gang is alleged to have entered a McDonald’s outlet chanting “Black Lives Matter” and ordering customers to say the phrase. They also demanded free food. When the McDonald’s owner asked them to leave, they spat at him with an 11-year-old lunging at him with a knife, police reports state. They then smashed the glass of the front doors to the establishment. Surveillance cameras positioned around the downtown area have captured several of the youth gang's attacks. Others were filmed by bystanders who were obviously too cowardly to act in defense of those under assault. One of the victims was an elderly white man who was beaten by the youth gang members. Also, two college students were violently assaulted as well with one of them experiencing serious head trauma. A female student had her glasses stomped on by a gang member after they fell to the ground during the attack. Police have actually arrested some of the older kids but then released them a short time later. A written statement about the incidents from the Boston Police Dept. noted that cops are aware of the 11-year-old girl's identity but they cannot arrest her until her 12th birthday under a bill that was passed by the Democrat-run Massachusetts legislature and signed into law in 2018. Kevin Hayden, the Suffolk County district attorney, cited the law as the reason why his office can't act and is limited in what can happen to the tweener, though he called what the gang is doing "an urgent matter." “Under this legislation, the primary responsibility for preventing these attacks instead falls on city, state, and community agencies,” Hayden said in a statement. In addition, the ridiculous law also limits authorities' ability to detain kids under the age of 14, which is being exploited: According to the Office of Juvenile Justice Delinquency Preventions, 16 percent of current gang members in Boston are under the age of 14, and that figure is rising. Boston’s Democrat Mayor Michelle Wu has insanely blamed the child gang assaults on the COVID-19 pandemic (which is waning, by the way). “All throughout our city right now, all through our country right now, there’s an incredible amount of stress and anxiety that’s translating the trauma of the pandemic into mental health challenges across every demographic, across every community," she said. “There is really a second epidemic that’s coming out of this pandemic that is related to mental health,” Wu added -- as though racism and gang assaults were non-existent before February 2020. Wu is also a soft-on-crime advocate, in case you couldn't tell: She ran on a campaign of 'demilitarizing' Boston police, and that's already having negative implications. Three Boston cops have been attacked by the child gang, with one having his nose bloodied by the 13-year-old who is wanted on felony priors. Once again, insane Democratic leftism is leading to more crime, more racism and more insanity in one of our country's major cities. Sources include: TheEpochTimes.com NaturalNews.com