The Energy Department uses its own terminology to classify security clearances, describing the Q-level clearance as "similar to what is completed by other agencies for a Top Secret National Security Information access clearance."
"Access to Secret Restricted Data requires a Q access authorization," the agency noted further.
Brinton's personal social media posts have laid out the vital importance of his position.
"I lead a staff of hundreds and a budget of millions (with a Nuclear Waste Fund I'm responsible for at over $45 billion) as the leader of the office overseeing the management of the nation's spent nuclear fuel," he posted to Twitter June 29.
In the past, Brinton defended "" in a September 2, 2015 op-ed in Advocate magazine: "The Real Ramifications of the Rentboy Raid."
The article followed Department of Homeland Security officials raiding Rentboy's Manhattan offices and arresting CEO Jeffrey Hurant and six employees on charges of promoting prostitution. The following year, the CEO of the site, which connected male prostitutes and escorts with potential clients, was indicted on a charge of promoting prostitution. He ultimately pleaded guilty. According to an Energy Department insider, there were "substantial irregularities" in the hiring process for Brinton, who is also a homosexual prostitution defender sometimes going by the drag queen alter ego of "Sister Ray Dee O'Active." In a Feb. 2 letter addressed to the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Deputy Inspector General Norbert Vint, the anonymous insider claimed that "prohibited personnel practices" were used in order to tap Brinton for his position of deputy assistant secretary for spent fuel and waste disposition. "Undue political influence and preferences were applied" at the Energy Department in selecting Brinton for the job, the stated the letter, the signatory of which is designated as "Long-serving public servant at the U.S. Department of Energy." It's no wonder our country is mocked and disrespected. Sources include: NaturalNews.comLithium batteries used in EVs and other “green” technology are anything but clean
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