America Unhinged with Dr. John Diamond: Americans need leaders who know what they represent – Brighteon.TV
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-08-10
Dr. Mark Sherwood has a question for American voters: "Are we endorsing people for revenge or personal purposes?" Sherwood raised the question during the August 5 episode of "America Unhinged" on Brighteon.TV as he and program host Dr. John Diamond talked about the upcoming U.S. midterm elections. "With that said, my hope is that we will get more conservative leaders back into power. And then hopefully, we will determine from the Republican party who [are] true Republicans [and] begin to get behind them on a local and state level, as opposed to putting all of our money, trust, faith [and] effort into [supporting] simply a president or a congress," Sherwood said. Things are looking good for the GOP so far as there seems to be a red wave during the primaries. But Sherwood's question lingers. His point is that Americans need to elect leaders who know what they represent. Sherwood, who challenged incumbent Oklahoma Gov. Kevin Stitt in the state's Republican primary, said that many politicians have no idea what the Constitution says. During his campaign, Sherwood said that he held a copy of the Republican platform in one hand and a copy of the Constitution in the other. He was surprised to learn that many don't have a clue what those documents are. "And for that, how can you put your hand on the Bible and promise to represent something you don't know anything about?" he asked. Diamond compared this way of thinking to Christians who don't read the Bible. "I remember in seminary, a respected poll said the average pastor spends six minutes a day in prayer and reading the Word," Diamond said. "That's just wrong." (Related: Biden regime's master plan to steal 2022 elections exposed: Repeat of 2020 theft already underway as early voting approaches.) This is the same way in politics. Diamond said: "People running for office have never read any of our founding documents, and then they expect to – are trying to – represent us when they don't even know what they're talking about."

Politicians are driven by money and power, not principles

Diamond also pointed out that politics give people money and power, but many of them don't understand both the Bible and the Constitution, which are power-limiting documents. If they do, they will feel better in line. Today, all goods and supplies are controlled by the dollar. Even the voters are interested how much money a politician was able to raise. "It was never about the principles, the ideas, the concepts or what it was going to do for them or the country. The question was always how much money you raise," Diamond said. For Sherwood, the amount donated does not say much about the support given by the public. (Related: Democrats' new ploy: Run pretend Republicans in political races, lie to the voters, get elected, then unleash left-wing tyranny.) "If George Soros gave somebody $80 million, that's not an indication of popular support. That just means they're being controlled by a bunch of people with a lot of money and that's where we're at in this country," Sherwood said. American politicians are controlled by bankers in the Deep State, serving as puppets to advance their agenda. "You and I, who are just working for the common people [and] who don't have that type of money usually, are at a disadvantage to begin with," Sherwood said. Visit for more news about Republican candidates in the midterm elections. Watch the August 5 episode of "America Unhinged" below. "America Unhinged" airs live on weekdays at 9-10 a.m., Saturday at 8-9 a.m. and Sunday at 9-10 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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