University of Texas admits it probably broke the law by partnering with Wuhan lab to develop bioweapons
By ethanh // 2022-08-10
Contracts that the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) signed with the Wuhan Institute of Virology (WIV) and two other communist Chinese labs contained fraudulent terms, the school now reluctantly admits. UTMB says it may have broken numerous state laws by forging agreements with WIV and the others that allowed those entities to censor or destroy "secret files" and other incriminating information related to their collaboration. "The party is entitled to ask the other to destroy and / or return the secret files, materials, and equipment without any backups," reads a 2017 memorandum that UTMB signed with WIV. (Related: Read more about how Tony Fauci is directly involved in these crimes). Every five years, this broad confidentiality agreement can be renewed. It applies to "all cooperation and exchange documents, data, details and materials," according to its explicitly stated terms. Since WIV is believed to be the source of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19), this makes UTMB a complicit party in what is shaping up to be a massive bioweapons operation coverup.

UTMB blames "oversight" for its fraudulent relationships with communist China

Rather than fully fess up to the crimes it clearly committed, UTMB is still playing dumb, acting as though a simple "oversight" caused these fraudulent documents and agreements to be forced. UTMB insists the contracts were not intentionally fraudulent but rather "poorly drafted." "The University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) takes responsibility for the oversight in allowing memorandums of understanding (MOUs) to include a poorly drafted confidentiality provision in potential conflict with applicable state laws," a university spokesperson is quoted as saying. Upon learning about the "error," the school says it "immediately terminated" the affected contracts containing "language that conflicts with law and policy." "A review of processes and practices at UTMB is underway, and new levels of oversight for procedures are being implemented," the spokesperson added. As to when the school learned of the "error," it would not say. And even though the contracts are now terminated, their confidentiality terms are apparently still in force, which makes those terminations toothless. Whatever secrets are hiding between UTMB and its communist Chinese partners remain a mystery. And it is unclear whether or not the school will be held criminally liable, seeing as how it is blaming the whole thing on an "oversight." Ignorance of the law never flies in court for ordinary people. When you are a major Chinese-backed university, however, there are apparently no rules of enforcement for crimes against humanity. "UTMB confirms no documents or confidential information has been destroyed, nor was there ever any request that any documents be destroyed," the school spokesperson further claimed. "There was no financial engagement with any of the Chinese institutions in question or collaboration with Chinese scientists concerning coronavirus research." Edward Hammond, a biosafety activist who continues to call for greater transparency at the Galveston lab, says UTMB's statements are a joke. "It is mystifying to me that this could have happened at all," he is quoted as saying. "Is it sloppiness, as UTMB suggests, or is something else going on?" All three contracts, by the way, were signed by James LeDuc, who directed the lab at the time. LeDuc had been directly communicating with communist Chinese researchers who were working on, you guessed it: bat coronaviruses. "American universities only care about money and trans people," joked someone who reads The Epoch Times, which covered the issue at length. "They will do business with the devil, then blame poor oversight as they sell out the American taxpayer." LeDuc was also in contact with "bat lady" Shi Zhengli, the deputy director at WIV. More of the latest news about the Chinese Virus can be found at Sources for this article include: