Donald Trump: Remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the Deep State
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-08-11
Former President Donald Trump told a crowd at the Conservative Political Action Coalition (CPAC) that the next president must "remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the Deep State," and be laser-focused on destroying the "New World Order" to thwart the plans of the elites to destroy the United States of America. "As we secure the border, another key priority for the next Congress and the next President will be to drain the swamp once and for all to remove rogue bureaucrats and root out the deep state. Congress should pass groundbreaking reform, empowering the president to ensure that any federal employee who is corrupt, incompetent, or unnecessary for the job can be told, 'You're fired.' You ever heard that? You're fired," he said. Trump's comments come after recent reports asserted that he would use his schedule F executive order to fire nearly 50,000 government bureaucrats if he returns to the White House in 2024. Schedule F was a job classification system that would take current federal workers in "policy-related" positions out of the competitive service, effectively stripping them of civil service protections and making them at-will employees. Authorized via executive order in 2020, the Trump administration failed to implement the measure before he left office in January 2021. President Joe Biden also rescinded the edict as one of his first acts in office. Trump also seemingly confirmed these reports when he referenced the said executive order in a recent speech at Turning Point USA's Student Action Summit in July. He explained that the current process to remove a federal bureaucrat from a post involves a lengthy process that takes an average of five years per stage – in the 15 years that it will take, most of these people are already out of office. This lengthy time frame dissuades other politicians from starting the bureaucrat removal process because it takes longer than their terms in office. "In other words, to fire someone who is doing a bad job, if the government wins, will take more than a decade under the current system. Almost all politicians won't start that process because they'll be gone and they know it," the former president said. (Related: Mary Trump brazenly suggests it may take an armed uprising to remove her president uncle from office.) A federal employee has 30 days to file an appeal with the Merit Systems Protection Board upon getting fired. An administrative judge is assigned within a week and usually issues a decision within months, stretching to a year if the case is escalated to the full MSPB or federal court.

Majority of Republicans still support Trump

Although Trump has not officially announced his plans for the next presidential election, he is expected to have the majority support of Republicans, as per a straw poll conducted at CPAC in Dallas, Texas. Trump won a massive 69 percent of the votes, which was 45 percent higher than his next closest challenger, Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who only received 24 percent support among the attendees. Democrats reviled Schedule F when it was unveiled in 2020, but they failed to act accordingly to prevent its implementation. Others warned that it might still return in some form with the next Republican administration. Visit for more news related to Donald Trump. Watch the video below for more updates about the CPAC and Trump's possible 2024 presidential bid. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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