Latest massive 'Schumer-Manchin' Democrat spending bill funds the hiring of 87,000 IRS agents and employees
By jdheyes // 2022-08-11
If you thought that the IRS was a militant agency with far too much power to disrupt the lives of ordinary Americans, often on a whim, you haven't seen anything yet. According to a provision in the latest gargantuan spending bill 'negotiated' by Democrats Chuck Schumer of New York, the Senate majority leader, and West Virginia's Joe Manchin, the IRS will be provided nearly $80 billion in new funding to hire up to 87,000 new employees, a great many of them tax auditing agents. As noted by 100 Percent Fed Up: More than half of this new funding is meant for “enforcement” or, in other words, auditing and “digital asset monitoring.” This bill also represents a 600% budget increase to the dreaded agency from 2021. While the Democrats claim that this expansion of the IRS is meant to take on “tax cheats” and millionaires and billionaires who “hide money,” only 4-9% of new revenue raised will be from people making more than $500,000/year. The vast majority of new money raised through taxes will come from people making less than $200,000/year, despite Biden and Democrats’ promises not to raise taxes on the middle class. "Joe Biden is building an army of IRS agents to harass and bully the middle class. It’s something that should concern every American taxpayer. The IRS targeted conservatives during the Obama Administration, so it’s fair to wonder whether Joe Biden will use his new IRS Army to attack conservatives," said National Republican Congressional Committee chairman Rep. Tom Emmer of Minnesota in an exclusive statement to Fox News. But are Republicans just blowing smoke? Is there really anything to fear about a beefed-up IRS? Of course, there is. You may recall that in 2013 during the Obama regime, the agency was accused of delaying and adding additional approval layers to conservative non-profit organizations the previous year -- just in time to prevent them from being able to engage in tax-free political activities ahead of Obama's reelection. It was an overtly political move that the agency got away with. Not surprisingly, despite this being plainly illegal behavior, following a two-year investigation (which was about 18 months too long) by the FBI, Obama's Justice Dept. refused to pursue criminal charges against anyone. "Democrats are making the IRS bigger than the Pentagon, the Department of State, the FBI, and the Border Patrol COMBINED! Those IRS agents will come after you, not billionaires and big corporations!" Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) noted on Twitter in a post containing a video clip of an interview he did this week with Fox News. A lot of this is on Manchin, the "moderate" who, in February, declared Biden's horrific "build back better" fiasco dead -- while he continued to negotiate with Schumer behind closed doors. CNN correspondent Manu Raju noted on Twitter that he asked Manchin about the legislation, then roughly $2 trillion in spending, mostly on garbage "climate" issues, to say that the West Virginia Democrat made it clear: "It's dead." “What Build Back Better bill? I don’t know what you guys are talking about,” Raju reported that Manchin said in response to whether he had been holding any talks on the issue since December. “No, no, no, no. It’s dead.” Apparently, the only thing that is really 'dead' in D.C. is integrity. Sources include: