Detransitioner Chloe Cole blasts "transgender refuge state" bill backed by CA state senator
By ramontomeydw // 2022-08-14
Former female-to-male (FTM) transgender turned detransition activist Chloe Cole denounced a proposal making California a "transgender refuge state." Backed by California State Sen. Scott Wiener, Senate Bill (SB) 107 ensures that "families with trans kids can seek refuge in [California] if other states criminalize them for allowing their kids to get healthcare." Wiener, who is openly gay, tweeted on Aug. 4 that the bill "just passed its final [California State] Assembly committee" and is headed to the floor for a vote. "As a detransitioner that has testified across from Weiner on this bill, I can say that this bill has many unintended consequences … that are immoral and will take away rights from parents across the entire United States." Cole tweeted in response to Weiner's announcement about SB 107. The 18-year-old former FTM, who began transitioning at age 13 but walked back three years later, previously testified about her experiences in front of state lawmakers. "Despite having therapists and attending the top surgery class, I really didn't understand all the ramifications of any of the medical decisions I was making," she told lawmakers. "I will never be able to breastfeed a child. I have blood clots in my urine. I am unable to fully empty my bladder. I do not yet know if I'm capable of carrying a child to full term. In fact, even the doctors who put me on puberty blockers and testosterone do not know." Cole ultimately concluded her testimony by reiterating that SB 107 "is circumventing state laws." She called for "safeguards" to be put in place so her story is not repeated." "Children cannot consent," she said. (Related: Former trans teens express REGRET over gender reassignment procedures.)

Weiner advocating for LGBT bills

SB 107, which Weiner introduced in 2021, mandated California to be a safe haven for child gender procedures. It also banned law enforcement from other states from acting on subpoenas, warrants and child custody issues if a child was brought into the Golden State for gender-related medical interventions such as surgeries or hormones. Under the bill, law enforcement agencies are prohibited "from making, or intentionally participating in, the arrest of an individual pursuant to an out-of-state arrest warrant based on another state's law against receiving or allowing a child to receive gender-affirming healthcare." Healthcare providers, including insurance agencies and contractors, cannot release "medical information related to sensitive services, or related to a person or entity, allowing a child to receive gender-affirming health care" if they are being requested "pursuant to another state's law that authorizes a person to bring a civil action against a person or entity who allows a child to receive gender-affirming healthcare." SB 107 would also block any orders based on another state's law "authorizing a child to be removed from their parent or guardian based on that parent or guardian allowing their child to receive gender-affirming healthcare." It also permitted any California court to temporarily take a child under its wing if they have been abandoned in the state, or if they fled to the state because a family disallowed receiving gender-affirming care. Befitting his name and his sexual identity, Wiener has also proposed a bill mandating drag queens for K-12 students. Back in June, the openly gay state senator put forward his legislation in response to Texas State Rep. Bryan Slaton introducing legislation that prohibits drag shows for children. "This guy just gave me a bill idea: Offering Drag Queen 101 as part of the K-12 curriculum. Attending Drag Queen Story Time will satisfy the requirement," Wiener wrote. Visit for more stories about SB 107 and other bills related to transgenderism. Watch detransitioner Walt Heyer expose the fraud of transgenderism below. This video is from the My America channel on

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