CDC found lying about COVID-19 vaccine monitoring
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-08-17
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had been found lying about the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine monitoring, including the vaccine's link to health issues like heart inflammation or myocarditis. The agency previously claimed that COVID-19 vaccines have been monitored by "the most intense safety monitoring efforts in U.S. history." That is simply not true. In reality, the CDC has not been closely monitoring the vaccine side effects. Because of the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests, the agency was forced to start monitoring – but not before releasing false statements that it since admitted to being misleading. A spokeswoman for the CDC said: "CDC has revisited several FOIA requests and as a result of its review CDC is issuing corrections for the following information..." She added that no CDC employee intentionally provided false information, and none of these false responses were given to avoid FOIA reporting requirements. (Related: CDC admits to deliberately withholding incriminating COVID jab data from the public to minimize "vaccine hesitancy.") However, this does not seem to be the case as the CDC not only said that the team did not conduct any abstractions or reports through October 2021, but that "an association between myocarditis and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was not known at that time." This statement was false. Clinical trials of the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines detected neither myocarditis nor pericarditis, but by April 2021 the U.S. military was raising the alarm regarding post-vaccination heart inflammation – and two months later in June, the CDC publicly acknowledged the link. While the CDC previously corrected the false statement, it did not say whether or not its teams have ever analyzed the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) reports. The process began in May 2021 and still continues to this date, but the CDC has still not released any result.

More CDC lies

In January 2021, the CDC promised that it would perform a specific type of data mining analysis on VAERS reports called Proportional Reporting Ratio (PRR). However, when the nonprofit organization Children's Health Defense asked for the results, the CDC said data mining is "outside of the agency's purview." Dr. John Su, who heads the CDC VAERS team, said in an email that the CDC started performing PRRs in February 2021 and continues to do so. The CDC has since stated that both the original response and that of Su's were false. They didn't start performing PRRs until March 25 and ended the program by July 31. The spokeswoman said the CDC was "misinterpreted," explaining that the agency thought "data mining" refers only to Empirical Bayesian (EB) data mining, which is a different type of analysis conducted by the Food and Drug Administration with regard to the VAERS data. That's also a lie. "The notion that the CDC did not realize we were asking about PRRs but only data mining, in general, is simply not credible, since our FOIA request specifically mentioned PRRs and their response also mentioned that they did not do PRRs. They did not say 'data mining in general,'" said Josh Guetzkow, a senior lecturer at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem working with Children's Health Defense. (Related: CDC sued for hiding COVID vaccine safety data.) "There is also no credible reason why they waited until March 25, 2022, to calculate PRRs, unless it was in response to our initial FOIA filed in December 2021, which was rejected on March 25, 2022 – shortly after they say they began their calculations," he explained.  "It means the CDC was not analyzing VAERS for early warning safety signals for well over a year after the vaccination campaign began—which still counts as a significant failure." The CDC also failed to release the results of the PRRs, saying that they are generally consistent with EB data mining. "Given it is a more robust data mining technique, CDC will continue relying upon EB data mining at this time," the CDC spokeswoman said. Visit for more news related to false COVID and COVID-19 vaccine narratives. Watch the video below for more about the lies the government has told related to the pandemic. This video is from the No Sugar Added channel on

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