The Zelenko Report: Ann Vandersteel and Ivan Raiklin discuss J6 being an inside job – Brighteon.TV
By maryvillarealdw // 2022-08-29
Election integrity activist and constitutional lawyer Ivan Raiklin and "The Zelenko Report" host Ann Vandersteel both believe that the Jan. 6, 2021 Capitol riot was an inside job. The program's Aug. 22 episode on Brighteon.TV explained how the riots were a coordinated attack from inside the Capitol. During the episode, Vandersteel and Raiklin pointed out that the riots sought to stop the electoral process, in a bid to prevent the Twelfth Amendment coming into play and former President Donald Trump being re-elected for a second term. (Related: Unmistakable signs January 6th was orchestrated by the 'Deep State' to cover up the Democrats election steal - Sure looks like the 'Clinton Cabal' is still running Washington DC!) Raiklin, a former candidate for the Virginia Senate, explained the location of the Republican National Congress (RNC) and the Democratic National Congress (DNC) in relation to the Capitol. He also touched on the jurisdictions of the U.S. Capitol Police (USCP) and that of the House sergeant-at-arms. The sergeant-at-arms protects members of Congress when they are inside the Capitol Building and when they travel. Meanwhile, the USCP has a perimeter over which they have jurisdiction as outlined in Title Two of the U.S. Code – although that extends beyond the Capitol Complex. Raiklin then retraced the path of the riots – from Eighth Street and Northwest and Third to Potomac, over the Navy Yard and down south on Audi Field. He pointed out an overlap between the jurisdictions of the sergeant-at-arms via the USCP and the D.C. Metro Police. More than a year after the riot, over 800 people had been arrested and charged. The detention of Michigan gubernatorial candidate Ryan Kelley in June 2022 was one of the most high-profile arrests. Aside from Kelley, leaders of far-right groups such as the Proud Boys and the Oath Keepers were also arrested and charged with seditious conspiracy.

FBI probe on pipe bombs hits a brick wall

Vandersteel and Raiklin also touched on the discovery of pipe bombs near the headquarters of both the RNC and DNC planted on Jan. 5 – a day before the Capitol riots. Nothing has emerged from the Federal Bureau of Investigation's (FBI) probe on the case. According to an Insider report, the fully functional bombs were made with galvanized steel pipes, homemade powder. Bomb technicians later disabled the two explosive devices found near the RNC and the DNC headquarters in the federal capital. In spite of more than 900 interviews and 39,000 videos it had, the FBI was only able to confirm what the suspect was wearing on Jan. 5. Even a reward of $50,000, later increased to $75,000 and then to $100,000, failed to yield any tips. While the bombs did not detonate and cause damage or injury, they diverted attention and resources away from the Jan. 6 riot. A retired USCP inspector general recently testified before lawmakers that the investigation on the pipe bombs required three teams. This left only one squad in charge of guarding the Capitol. "Every time you involve the FBI, it's not for our benefit," remarked Vandersteel, co-chair of the Zelenko Freedom Foundation (ZFF). "It's never for the public's benefit, ... [but always] for the regime in power." has more stories about the Jan. 6 Capitol riots. Watch the Aug. 22 episode of "The Zelenko Report" with Ann Vandersteel and Ivan Raiklin below. "The Zelenko Report" airs Monday to Friday at 1-2 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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