“The rocket could not be fired 100km in the opposite direction by mistake,” he added, asserting that the incident was an attempt to scare the EU into sending more money to Ukraine. Demanding that Warsaw should “no longer put up with this behavior” from Ukraine, Pakula remarked, “I urge you to rethink Poland’s position [regarding] this war in the event that the red line is crossed again!” Despite all evidence indicating the missile was fired by Ukraine, Zelensky has doubled down, denying that Kiev was involved and asking for his country to be at the forefront of an investigation. However, after President Joe Biden swiftly said the evidence for Russia’s involvement was minimal, CNN reported that Ukrainian military officials told their American and western allies that they were responsible for the blast. Kiev had “attempted to intercept a Russian missile” at the same location and in the same time france as when the missile strike at the Polish village of Przewowdow occurred, according to the report. The Associated Press also had to issue a retraction, noting that it had “erroneously” reported that “Russian missiles” had killed two people in Poland, and that this was based on a claim by one single anonymous senior US intelligence official. “Subsequent reporting showed that the missiles were Russian-made and most likely fired by Ukraine in defense against a Russian attack,” AP reported.Thank you AP, for correcting a story that nearly launched WW3. Now maybe you can also name the "senior American intelligence official who spoke on condition of anonymity" and who may have had ulterior motives in bringing the world to the edge of nuclear war pic.twitter.com/xtruXlv6U3
— zerohedge (@zerohedge) November 16, 2022
Read more at: Summit.newsIf Alex Jones must pay $1.5 billion for being wrong, then how much do the “Russian missile attack of Poland triggered Article 5,” hoaxers owe?
— Cernovich (@Cernovich) November 17, 2022
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