NBC News now admits covid vaccines may be linked to myocarditis, after YEARS of claiming it was "misinformation"
By ljdevon // 2022-11-18
After years of claiming covid-19 vaccines are “safe and effective,” NBC News is suddenly admitting that the jabs can cause myocarditis. NBC News published a report on November 12, 2022 that finally acknowledges the link between the covid-19 vaccines and myocarditis. Myocarditis is inflammation of the heart muscle. Tens of thousands of new cases have been recorded by pharmacovigilance systems around the world. Cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough has been warning about this issue for over a year. NBC is part of a network of corporate media outlets that take money from the vaccine manufacturers to stay quiet about serious health issues and immune failure caused by vaccines.

NBC finally acknowledges dangerous vaccine side effects, but tries to downplay them

The NBC report acknowledged a medical emergency in a 22-year-old Detroit resident named Da’Vion Miller. One week after receiving a first dose of Pfizer’s mRNA-based covid vaccine, Miller passed out at his home. He was rushed to the hospital and diagnosed with myocarditis and pericarditis. The doctors advised him not to take another covid jab. If NBC and other corporate media outlets had been honest about this medical travesty a year ago, they may have helped prevent hundreds of thousands of hospitalizations in young people who never needed the false assurances of a fraudulent vaccine in the first place. Instead, the corporate media terrorized people’s minds, manipulating the population to take dangerous, needless experiments. Anyone who spoke up about the impending medical malpractice of the covid-19 vaccines was censored and their 'misinformation' taken off the internet search engines and social media outlets. Meanwhile, corporate media outlets like NBC were allowed to push DEADLY PROPAGANDA to the world, misleading millions of young people to take on certain heart damage. Even today, as NBC comes forward about myocarditis from the covid-19 vaccines, they try to make it seem mild and rare, disgracing the tens of thousands of young people who fell prey to this predatory depopulation experiment. The NBC report tried to normalize myocarditis, as if it is a normal way of life, as if it is something caused by common viral infections. “Myocarditis is a condition that has long been linked to a number of viral infections, including influenza, coxsackieviruses, as well as Covid,” the report says. The report also claimed that myocarditis is an “infrequent” side effect of the mRNA covid vaccines, which is a slap in the face to the tens of thousands of young people who reported their case of vaccine-induced myocarditis to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting Systems (VAERS). As of November 4, 2022, VAERS has recorded 53,836 cases of myocarditis and pericarditis. A study out of Israel demonstrates that a natural infection alone cannot account for such a serious rise in heart inflammation, even though NBC News tries to make it seem like a covid infection is causing more serious and more frequent heart inflammation. The NBC report even quotes the CDC to make this serious issue seem trivial. “There have been around 1,000 reports of vaccine-related myocarditis or pericarditis in children under age 18, primarily young males, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention,” the report reassures. Some CDC researchers have bucked the norm and have gone on to acknowledge “high verification rate of reports of myocarditis to VAERS after mRNA-based COVID-19 vaccination,” leading to the conclusion that “under-reporting is more likely” than over-reporting.

The conspiracy to suppress vital information will not last

Myocarditis and pericarditis are just the tip of the iceberg. In the Pentagon’s Defense Medical Epidemiology Database (DMED), the vaccine rollout in 2021 caused serious increases in medical issues in healthy military men and women (over the 5-year average). According the DMED, there was a serious increase in hypertension (2,181%), neurological disorders (1,048%), multiple sclerosis (680%), Guillain-Barre syndrome (551%), breast cancer, (487%), female infertility (472%), pulmonary embolism (468%), migraines (452%), ovarian dysfunction (437%), testicular cancer (369%), and tachycardia (302%). This information was presented to Congress by Attorney Thomas Renz in January of 2022. NBC News and the rest of the corporate media are covering up vital information to benefit their sponsors and keep their friends out of handcuffs, but the conspiracy to suppress vital medical information and vaccine risks will not stand indefinitely, because the tens of thousands of injured people will ultimately cry out for justice for their families. Sources include: LifeSiteNews.com Brighteon.com PubMed.gov Brighteon.com