Americans, we have a problem! It is time to confront this evil we are faced with!
How’s everybody feeling this morning now that the whole world realizes we are a Banana Republic?
(Article by Wes Rhinier republished from
There should be blood by now. Nothing….
These commies know just what levers to touch and which ones to leave alone (for the time being) to continue to lull us to our destruction.
Republicans said that if they won the Congress in November they promised
the “toughest” investigation of the DOJ that will do absolutely squat except continue to keep the people complacent while they further destroy our Liberty!
How much longer are we going to continue falling for this garbage?
To raid a former President's home using corrupt government agencies should wake this whole country up. It doesn’t surprise me at all, it was to be expected. These communist who have stolen our country will wield whatever power they have to bring their enemies to kneel.
Trump had his opportunity. His capitulating to the swamp rather than fighting them tooth and nail has returned to bite him in the ass. I wonder if he still thinks “take the guns first, due process later” was such a wise statement. I wonder how he feels about being the “father of the Vax”? Perhaps they are going to arrest him and hold him with the January 6thers that he left to rot. Wonder how that’ll go?
Maybe Trump is just playing his part so the FBI can lure more “Patriots” out and arrest and disappear them. I so wanted to trust Trump in the early days, I just couldn’t and still don’t. Sure Trump did some good. He also allowed a lot of bad. Unacceptable.
Trump had his chance to lead. Who would come to his call for help now? After Jan 6
th, and the way he blew his opportunity there, nope, not going to happen. Trump still has a death grip on our side and I just wish he would fade away. Trump keeps holding packed self-worship rallies where he makes excuses and grander promises. As long as people on Our Side keep answering his booty call, there is NO hope and only more certain destruction to come. It doesn’t matter who our side puts up for voting, VOTING IS USELESS!!!
Have you done your homework in your local AO? Perhaps it’s time. We can’t continue to wait for someone to come and save us.

I’ve suffered under this evil government about as long as I care to. Everyone needs to realize the future is all in our hands, not these evil people in our so called government. Evil must be confronted and held accountable. It’s time we do what needs doing. Quit looking for Trump to do it for you. Only We the People can save us from this evil.

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