Video clips show illegal border crossers jumping over 30-foot fence and dashing across busy Texas highway
By bellecarter // 2022-12-08
Video clips making rounds on social media recently show groups of around 13-14 immigrants jumping over the 30-foot U.S.-Mexico border wall and running toward a busy southern portion of state highway Loop 375 in El Paso, Texas. One footage was taken during broad daylight, showing illegal aliens who just crossed the border fence freely, with no border patrol in sight. One of the immigrants even threw his fist in the air as he crossed in front of the videographer. The driver who was recording was heard shouting, "Look at this, you got a brother tripping! Look at that! This is our government f***ing money bro. Yes, sir," he said, as more immigrants emerged from the fence. In the next clip, more illegals are seen crossing the border and running across the highway after the darkness had set in. The Instagram account @therealfitfamelpaso captioned the videos it posted: "Migrant crossings across the Border Highway continue in record numbers, with some crossings ending in fatalities after runners are struck by unsuspecting vehicles. Take caution when driving along the southern portion of 275!" Sgt. Enrique Carrillo of the El Paso Police Department commented on the post: "Pedestrians shouldn’t be running across a highway." He said that at highway speeds, and depending on other variables, such as time of day and tragic conditions, striking a pedestrian who darts out suddenly may be unavoidable and creates hazardous conditions for everyone in that area. A week ago, the Customs and Border Patrol reported 600,000 migrant "gotaways" so far this year. These are illegal aliens spotted by either a border patrol officer or a camera crossing the border but were not apprehended. President Joe Biden's administration has insisted that the U.S.-Mexico border is "closed," despite evidence coming forward that proves otherwise. (Related: Migrants are turning the El Paso airport into a makeshift shelter as the city struggles to deal with ongoing invasion of Texas.)

A 12-year-old illegal immigrant got run over on El Paso highway

According to the local police department, multiple border crossers have died after getting struck by vehicles on the highways. This included a 12-year-old child who was killed while crossing Loop-374 West near Fonseca with her mother on November 26. The mom and daughter were among a group of immigrants who were sneaking into the country when a truck hit them. As per the investigation, the 27-year-old mother and her daughter attempted to cross the westbound lanes of the highway, when the crash occurred. The child died at the hospital from her injuries while the young mother did not suffer any visible injuries. It was marked as the 67th traffic fatality of the year. There were 64 during the same period last year. "This is a very dangerous place for migrants to cross," said Border Patrol spokesman Landon Hutchens, adding the cartels determine where and when these illegal immigrants cross into the United States. After crossing into U.S. territory, the illegal immigrants usually wander into nearby neighborhoods. One resident of a local neighborhood, Luis Lujan, shared that they fear the influx of illegal immigrants. "It's really bad because sometimes there’s up to 10, 15 of them running all over," said Lujan. "Our neighbors are afraid – we don't know if they're going to break into our houses. We don't confront them because we don't know if they have knives." has more news about illegal immigration in the United States. Watch the video below that talks about Biden's "migrant advocacy industrial complex." This video is from the United West channel on

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