Pro-pedophilia Joseph Bruno, Dean of Students at Francis W. Parker School in Chicago, celebrates forcing children to play with sex toys
By ethanh // 2022-12-09
Project Veritas has done it again, this time exposing the dean of students at a prestigious private grade school in Chicago for pushing extreme sexual perversion on minors. Joseph Bruno, featured in the video below, admitted to an undercover reporter that a "really cool part of my job" involves having the "LGBTQ+ Health Center" come to the school to expose children to various sex toys, including "butt plugs" – viewer discretion is advised. The first word that comes to mind when watching this clip is pride as Bruno exudes it, along with gross excitement over the freedom he and his staff have to corrupt innocent children into LGBTQ+ perversions. (Related: The entire Biden regime is an LGBTQ+ cesspool.) "During Pride – we do a Pride Week every year – I had our LGBTQ+ Health Center come in [to the classroom]. They were passing around butt plugs and dildos to my students – talking about queer sex, using lube versus using spit," Bruno proudly admitted to the report. "They're just, like, passing around dildos and butt plugs. The kids are just playing with 'em, looking at 'em ... They're like, 'How does this butt plug work? How do we do – like, how does this work? That's a really cool part of my job."

Francis W. Parker School also brings in drag queens to "pass out cookies and brownies and do photos"

You will notice that Bruno's posture while speaking is comfortable and confident. He seems to get a thrill out of just talking about the corruption of the youth under his care. Keep in mind that it costs upwards of $40,000 per year to send a child to Francis W. Parker School. Bruno makes note of this, stating that he and his staff have plenty of cash at their disposal to basically do whatever they want. When they are not exposing children to dildos and butt plugs, Bruno says he and his staff also bring in drag queens to "pass out cookies and brownies and do photos." All that money, in other words, is being funneled straight into LGBTQ+ corruption. "Very few people who aren't pedophiles realize just how common it is, and the fact that most pedophiles think they're special," wrote a commenter about Bruno and his ilk. "It's everywhere because it's how they secure people into drug trafficking and money laundering and that business is worth five times the world's legitimate businesses." Another warned that "this will become the norm," referring to people like Bruno and his pedophilic activities, if good Americans fail to address the problem. "God has something to say about almost every situation possible. He has something to say about this situation as well," wrote someone else, along with the following passage from scripture: 'Anyone who does not provide for their relatives, and especially for their own household, has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever.' (1 Timothy 5:8) I understand, truly I do, that things are tough. But ... this is a good case in point to do everything within your power to take care of your family so that you are not dependent upon these demonic forces to feed you or your children." "As homesteaders who grow all of our own food and raise all of our own meat: right now, at the height of gardening season and meat animals in Maine, we're working 12 + hour days, EVERY day, to stay outside of the rotten, festering system. It takes a lot of effort, but we are at peace with it. I hope that anyone who can, is putting the same time / effort to stay off this demonic 'support' system. Do NOT let them rule you!" The latest news about LGBTQ+ pedophile perverts who prey on innocent children can be found at Sources for this article include: