Liver King EXPOSED for taking steroids while claiming to abide by all-natural "ancestral" lifestyle
By ethanh // 2022-12-11
The internet sensation known as "Liver King," who calls himself the "CEO of the Ancestral Lifestyle," is facing criticism after it was revealed that his lifestyle is not so natural after all. Brian Johnson, which is his real name, has been taking steroids to help boost his physique, despite previously denying in an interview on Mark Bell's "Power Project Podcast" that he has "never done the stuff" and is "not going to do the stuff." Leaked emails revealing that Johnson does, in fact, take steroids prompted him to upload a confession video – see below – admitting that he "lied" and "misled a lot of people." "Yes, I've done steroids, and yes, I am on steroids, monitored and managed by a trained hormone clinician," Johnson said. Iron Age News in a video posted at Brighteon.comsee below (WARNING: Language) – also talks about the plight of the Liver King: Johnson, who is 45, makes about $100 million a year from his ancestral lifestyle companies, which include the brands Heart & Soil and Ancestral Supplements. A bottle of capsules containing grass-fed beef liver and other bovine organs and blends ranges in price from $30 to $65. (Related: Speaking of liver, did you know that your skin communicates with your liver?)

Liver King says he lied about steroid use because he's insecure and has low self-esteem

Johnson admitted after being called out by several YouTube accounts, including the MorePlatesMoreDates channel, that he has been taking 120mg of testosterone per week, despite long claiming that he is "all natural." Johnson spends about $12,000 per month on these steroids, which made him look like some kind of cartoon "Hulk" figure, which he told his followers was achieved simply by living his ancestral lifestyle. So, why did Johnson lie about using steroids? It was not necessarily to sell more products and become a multi-millionaire, he suggested. No, the real reason is because he is insecure about his body. "When I talk about the 85 percent of the population that suffers from self-esteem issues, that's me," Johnson said. "I'm part of that statistic." The persona he presents for marketing purposes is just "an experiment to spread the message [and] to bring awareness to the 4,000 people a day who kill themselves, the 80,000 people a day that try to kill themselves," he added. In other words, Johnson lied about taking steroids and profited heavily from it as a side effect of his true mission, which is to "fight" to promote "ancestral living" as a solution to all that suicide. "Before social media I was rich and anonymous, and after social media, I’m still rich but no longer anonymous," Johnson added. "I never expected this kind of exposure in the public eye." The Liver King scandal prompted Joe Rogan to call on "The Rock," who looks very similar to Johnson with an artificial-looking physique, to also come clean about his alleged use of steroids. "He should make a video in response to the Liver King video like, 'I need to talk to you because 'The Rock's' been lying,'" Rogan said. "There's not a ... chance in hell he's clean, not a chance in hell as big as 'The Rock' is at 50." Rogan says he has no issue with hormone replacement therapy (HRT), but celebrities like "The Rock" and the Liver King have a responsibility to be honest with people about what they are truly doing. "I think you have to be honest ... I don't think there's anything wrong with HRT. I think it's smart but you got to be honest," Rogan said. "I don't think there's anything wrong with doing steroids to achieve that sort of physique for a movie either. I do think there's something wrong with lying about it." More stories like this one can be found at Sources for this article include: