Trump-hating NBC hack "reporter" is accused of fraudulently voting in FL election
By newseditors // 2022-12-11
Yamiche Alcindor, a reporter for NBC who claims to occupy a mostly politically neutral position at PBS and the NBC, where she is a contributor, has a history of left-wing activism and advocacy. (Article republished from Alcindor, according to her own public statements, moved to Washington D.C in 2017 to cover the Trump administration’s economic policies and how he affected people’s ‘everyday lives’. Still, records show that she voted in Florida during the 2022 election. The American Accountability Foundation, a conservative-leaning organization whose efforts focus on holding members of the media and Biden administration officials accountable, lodged a complaint against Alcindor for voting outside of her legally established residence. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has made election integrity a top priority since being elected in 2018. The Governor created an election integrity task force to prevent election fraud in the state and has taken common-sense measures to ensure that out-of-state residents cannot vote. The Federalist Reports
Yamiche Alcindor, a left-wing activist now masquerading as an independent Washington correspondent for NBC News, voted illegally in Florida, according to a complaint filed by the American Accountability Foundation. Public records show Alcindor is an active registered voter in Broward County, Florida. According to the complaint, state residency requirements mandate voters’ intention of making Florida their permanent home. Alcindor, however, lives in Washington D.C. with her husband, Nathaniel Cline, with little evidence to show the beltway reporter plans to settle in the Sunshine State. AAF highlighted a 2017 tweet in its complaint to Florida election officials last week demanding an investigation. “Some news,” Alcindor wrote days before President Donald Trump’s inauguration. “I moved to DC this week to cover social safety net issues and how Trump’s administration impacts everyday people’s lives.” Thomas Jones, the president of the American Accountability Foundation, wrote in the group’s complaint the 2017 post made clear a change in permanent residence. Read more at: