Musk releases proof Trump was censored on Twitter thanks to pressure from his own government agencies
By jdheyes // 2022-12-14
There is no doubt that Donald Trump was the most dangerous president to the deep state military-industrial complex since they rose to power following the Second World War, but additional evidence has now surfaced further proving the point. Thanks to billionaire Elon Musk's $44 billion purchase of Twitter and his commitment to transparency and free speech, we are learning almost by the day how the platform worked with government agencies and left-wing influencers to censor and ban conservatives, including a sitting president of the United States. Over the weekend, Musk released information, through journalist Matt Taibbi in a third "Twitter Files" dump, that government agencies, including the FBI and Department of Homeland Security, worked with the old Twitter regime to censor Trump and then kick him off the platform altogether following the obvious false flag Capitol 'riot' on Jan. 6, 2021. The Post Millennial reported: Taibbi said that there was an "erosion of standards" within Twitter in the months leading up to the events of January 6, 2021, "decisions by high-ranking executives to violate their own policies," and more, going on "against the backdrop of ongoing, documented interaction with federal agencies."  Friday’s drop, Taibbi said, covers a span of time reaching from before the 2020 presidential election through January 6. "Whatever your opinion on the decision to remove Trump that day, the internal communications at Twitter between January 6th-January 8th have clear historical import. Even Twitter’s employees understood in the moment it was a landmark moment in the annals of speech," Taibbi wrote in his lengthy thread. He also included a screenshot of an internal communication that said: "Is this the first sitting head of state to ever be suspended?" "As soon as they finished banning Trump, Twitter execs started processing new power. They prepared to ban future presidents and White Houses – perhaps even Joe Biden. The 'new administration,' says one exec, 'will not be suspended by Twitter unless absolutely necessary,'" Taibbi wrote. An internal communication cited the platform's rules on evading a ban, stating, "if it is clear that another account is being used for the purposes of evading a ban, it is also subject to suspension. For government accounts, such as @POTUS and @WhiteHouse, we will not suspend those accounts but will take action to limit their use." Taibbi said that Twitter executives had removed Trump "in part over what one executive called the 'context surrounding': actions by Trump and supporters 'over the course of the election and frankly last 4+ years.' In the end, they looked at a broad picture. But that approach can cut both ways." It has also emerged that former first lady Michelle Obama played a role in the pressure campaign from the left to kick Trump off Twitter. In the fourth Twitter Files dump, Musk and journalist Michael Shellenberger revealed communications by the company’s executives between Jan. 6-8, 2021. “After the events of Jan 6, the internal and external pressure on Twitter CEO @jack grows. Former First Lady @michelleobama, tech journalist @karaswisher, @ADL, high-tech VC @ChrisSacca, and many others, publicly call on Twitter to permanently ban Trump,” Shellenberger wrote. Obama expressed her opinion about what Twitter should do the day after the false flag. “Now is the time for those who voted for this president to see the reality of who they’ve supported – and publicly and forcefully rebuke him and the actions of that mob,” she said in a statement. “Now is the time for Silicon Valley companies to stop enabling this monstrous behavior – and go even further than they have already by permanently banning this man from their platforms and putting in place policies to prevent their technology from being used by the nation’s leaders to fuel insurrection.” It's clear from these and other documents that big tech is in bed with the deep state in their efforts to steal power and rule by tyrannical means. What happened to Trump -- a duly elected president (twice) -- is a disgrace. Sources include: