Immediately after banning Trump, Twitter started aggressively censoring "medical misinformation"
By ethanh // 2022-12-15
The reason why President Donald Trump was banned from Twitter back in early 2021 may have had less to do with his talk about election fraud and more to do with his challenging of the prevailing medical dogmas. Just one day after Trump was axed from the social media platform, higher-ups at the company launched into fighting "medical misinformation" mode, making it a top priority to keep a lid on all health speech. Because Trump had introduced the world to covid remedies like ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine, as well as challenged lockdowns and face masks, Twitter's far-left employee base had to shut him up in order to keep the narrative in place. (Related: Twitter also waged war against corporations that supported Trump.) "Yes, we absolutely plan to do this in 2021 – with the timeline being 'as soon as possible,'" wrote one Twitter employee in a conversation chain with other employees about the platform's intentions to silence medical free speech. "COVID is one specific disease; medical misinformation is a much broader category of harmful content. We've laid a lot of the groundwork for policy and product behavior through our work on COVID and the election; the Misinfo Policy team ... along with the folks in Health Experience, TwS, Research, and other teams across the company are now focused on getting to a place of improved maturity in how our policies are actualized (across reporting, operations, global scale, scope, etc.)." This paints a very revealing picture about the culture of Twitter at the time when Trump was axed. The former president was simply drawing too much attention to alternative health narratives, as well as deconstructing the covid scamdemic in real time.

Twitter employees internally celebrated removal of "trump accounts" in "whack-a-mole" ban operation

All of this and more was revealed by Bari Weiss in the latest installment of "The Twitter Files." Just one day after Trump was removed from Twitter, the medical "misinformation" censorship spree commenced, and has been raging wild ever since against those who think outside the Big Pharma box. "[B]ig props to whoever in trust and safety is sitting there whack-a-mole-ing these trump accounts," another Twitter employee was caught stating in the now-released files. "[C]an we get then one of these awesome cards I've heard about?" asked another, jokingly. "[D]efinitely some extraordinary acts of awesomeness going on around twitter right now," added another. "Don Jr.'s account needs to be locked too," interjected another about how Trump's son, who is still very active on Twitter, needed to also be removed from the platform. Others expressed that they were "very excited" to see free speech become a thing of the past on Twitter, particularly that of the former president who was widely hated among leftists. "For the longest time, Twitter's stance was that we aren't the arbiter of truth which I respected but never gave me a warm fuzzy feeling," another stated about the First Amendment not really resonating among Twitter employees. Numerous other high-profile Twitter accounts were nuked throughout this saga, including those of Dr. Jay Bhattacharya and U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.). The former criticized lockdowns and school closures and the latter linked to government data in VAERS showing that tens of thousands of Americans are suffering deadly side effects from covid jabs. "We permanently suspended the account you referenced (@mtgreenee) for repeated violations of our COVID-19 misinformation policy," Twitter announced about Greene's removal. "We've been clear that, per our strike system for this policy, we will permanently suspend accounts for repeated violations of the policy." The latest news about Twitter can be found at Sources for this article include: