AOC, who routinely accuses Republicans of putting her in danger, lashes out at Elon for punishing doxers
By newseditors // 2022-12-18
In January 2021, Democrat Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said, shortly after the Capitol incursion, that Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz was “trying to get me killed.” (Article by C. Douglas Golden republished from She refused to back down from that statement despite the fact there was minimal evidence her life was in any danger. Last month, the New York congresswoman told CNN’s Chris Wallace she “felt that my life has been in danger since the moment that I won my primary” and that she fears “to walk my dog.” Also last month, she accused new Twitter owner Elon Musk of encouraging “targeted harassment” against women by allowing paid verification on the platform. On Thursday, Musk suspended seven media figures from Twitter for violating the platform’s new rule against tracking private plane flight data in real time — a rule that came into place after what he described as a “crazy stalker” had attacked a car with one of his young children aboard. AOC, ever consistent about threats to personal safety, called Musk a “proto-fascist” for the move. According to The Daily Wire, the suspensions came after a Wednesday update to the Twitter terms of service that made it a violation of its private information policy to tweet public flight data to track certain private jets; an account dedicated to tracking Musk’s private jet was suspended as part of the new policy. In a tweet, Musk implied data from the @elonjet account had been used by a stalker who had threatened his child: “Last night, car carrying lil X in LA was followed by crazy stalker (thinking it was me), who later blocked car from moving & climbed onto hood.” He also threatened legal action against Jack Sweeney, the 20-year-old who runs the account that obsessively tracks Musk’s flights, according to CBS News. Then, on Thursday, several liberal journalists and other media figures were banned from Twitter for violating the new doxing rules, according to Fox News, “including CNN correspondent Donie O’Sullivan, New York Times technology reporter Ryan Mac, Washington Post reporter Drew Harwell, The Intercept journalist Micah Lee, Mashable writer Matt Binder, former MSNBC host Keith Olbermann and former Vox journalist Aaron Rupar.” “Same doxxing rules apply to ‘journalists’ as to everyone else,” Musk tweeted. “Criticizing me all day long is totally fine, but doxxing my real-time location and endangering my family is not.” “If anyone posted real-time locations & addresses of NYT reporters, FBI would be investigating, there’d be hearings on Capitol Hill & Biden would give speeches about end of democracy!” Musk said in another tweet. But, according to AOC, Musk should stop being such a baby and acting like a “proto-fascist.” “You’re a public figure. An extremely controversial and powerful one,” Ocasio-Cortez tweeted late Thursday night. “I get feeling unsafe, but descending into abuse of power + erratically banning journalists only increases the intensity around you,” she said. “Take a beat and lay off the proto-fascism. Maybe try putting down your phone.” So, remember that Musk tweet about the FBI getting on top of anyone who doxed liberals’ locations in real time? The first person to be demanding such a thing would unquestionably be AOC. In fact, I’m surprised she hasn’t pre-emptively called for it. Just in case you forgot, let’s do a short review of her record on the matter of personal safety. After the Capitol incursion, Ocasio-Cortez said Cruz “almost had me murdered” and was “trying to get me killed.” This is tantamount to accusing the senator of attempted murder. How did he almost get her killed? Um, by challenging the 2020 results in certain states during the certification of the Electoral College, as he’s very legally allowed to do. Meanwhile, just last month, Ocasio-Cortez told Chris Wallace that right-wing threats against her were so great that she was “looking over [her] shoulder while walking down the street.” “It means when I wake up in the morning, I hesitate to walk my dog. It means when I come home, I have to ask my fiancée to come out to where my car is to walk me to just from my car to my front door,” the congresswoman said, according to the New York Post. “It means that there’s just … a general disposition where you kind of feel like there’s almost a static electricity around you. And you’re just always just looking around, your head is just on a swivel, going to a restaurant, walking down the street,” she added. Ocasio-Cortez also told the CNN host that during her first year in Congress in 2019, she thought she “may not see the end of the year.” “I really felt that way,” she said. And, as for Twitter’s $8-a-month verification program, AOC said Musk had unleashed upon the world “a tool that’s ripe for targeted harassment, especially of women + others on this platform.” So, just so we’re clear, things that may harm or kill AOC and/or other women: • Ted Cruz.
• Right-wing threats.
• Walking her dog.
• Paid Twitter verification. Things that won’t harm Elon Musk and/or others, and which he shouldn’t act like a “proto-fascist” about: • Targeted, obsessive tracking of someone’s personal location on Twitter using private plane data. Glad we cleared that up. As for Ocasio-Cortez’s entreaty for Musk to put down his phone, the Twitter owner had a ready rejoinder: “You first lol.” But if she does that, how is she going to find out if any Twitter accounts have sprung up tracking her dog-walking routes? Or if Ted Cruz is still around? And if she doesn’t, she may not make it through the year. You heard it from her own lips, folks. She’s in grave danger. Elon Musk? Eh. He’s a “public figure.” He can handle it. Read more