Dr. Robert Malone calls for 'decentralization' to overcome government, medical tyranny
By jdheyes // 2022-12-27
The inventor of the mRNA and DNA vaccine cores (the original mRNA, not the one currently used for COVID vaccines) is speaking out again about how best to decouple ourselves from the rapidly encroaching tyranny of Western governments and their medical establishments. Dr. Robert Malone, who has just published a new book, “Lies My Government Told Me: And the Better Future Coming,” analyzes the tyranny citizens of Western 'democracies' currently face and how to get out from under it, according to Lifesite News. The report notes that the first part of the new tome examines how medical and scientific facts were censored by governments during the recent COVID-19 pandemic and how it was used to help usher in more authoritarianism by supposed democracies. The second part of the book attempts to answer this question: "Who or what is behind it all?" -- while Malone goes on to point out that he thinks it all comes from a combo of opportunism and bad actors with nefarious intent. The final part of the book focuses on how we can create a better future with a focus on creating decentralized local governments and communities while also creating the potential to network with each other on a national and international level -- while still remaining self-governed and independent. Malone also notes that a great way to avoid falling into the trap of groupthink that then leads to policy disasters is to develop independent problem-solving groups that do not have any interaction with each other. Only after those groups have created their own ideas and solutions do they then come together to share, analyze, and then find common ground. "In my view, Malone has been one of the most prominent leaders in helping us understand the scientific truth of what’s actually happening with COVID and the COVID shots. Malone and his wife Jill actually published one of the first books on COVID prevention and treatment. They self-published it as an e-book on Amazon in early February 2020. Amazon deleted it the following month," Dr. Joseph Mercola noted at Lifesite News. "After repeated inquiries as to why the book was removed, Amazon finally cited 'violation of community standards.' 'It was the first time we’d ever heard that phrase,' Malone said. Since then, of course, it’s become the key excuse used by tech platforms of all kinds to justify the censorship of plain truth. The removal of that book was just a small foretaste of what was to come," Mercola noted further. Malone has been effectively 'canceled' from society -- this brilliant doctor and researcher -- after appearing on the DarkHorse podcast with Steve Kirsch in June 2021. He's been defamed publicly, deplatformed, and his scientific achievements scrubbed from Wikipedia (which is noted to be a left-wing propaganda outlet anyway). As Malone himself has said, he was kicked off Twitter under the old management after he posted a completely fact-based and professionally produced video from the Canadian COVID Care Alliance documenting how Pfizer fraudulently conducted its trials for the coronavirus vaccines. All findings presented in the video were true then and they remain true today, Mercola notes. "The production quality was excellent and I just retweeted it. LinkedIn at the same time also whacked me. The other day I was noodling around and for some reason clicked on a link to somebody’s LinkedIn… and it brought me to this page that said something to the effect that I should reactivate my account," Malone told Mercola. "I thought, well, what do I have to lose? So, I filed for that and did their necessary little paperwork and they came back and said, due to my continuing violations after having been kicked off of LinkedIn, I’m permanently banned," he added. "And I’m scratching my head going, ‘What were the continuing violations when I was kicked off of your platform?’ It’s kind of circular, but I mean, none of this has to make sense. It’s whatever they say it is. That’s the big lesson. Reality is whatever they say it is," he noted further. Sources include: LifesiteNews.com NaturalNews.com