Long wait times in UK hospitals are causing up to 500 avoidable deaths every week
By ljdevon // 2023-01-04
Britain’s National Health Service (NHS) can no longer facilitate the medical needs of the population. Dr. Adrian Boyle, president of the Royal College of Emergency Medicine, said that wait times in the UK are causing between 300 and 500 wrongful deaths each week. In November of 2022, there were tens of thousands of patients who sought emergency medical care from NHS England, but 37,837 patients were forced to wait at least 12 hours before they could be seen by a doctor. These numbers are up three-fold from November of the previous year. In November of 2021, approximately 10,646 patients had to wait at least twelve hours before receiving emergency medical care. For critically ill or injured patients, twelve hours can mean the difference between life and death. It can mean the difference between quick, early treatment and recovery or delayed treatment that leads to permanent disability. These wait times are especially dangerous for young cardiac patients, who may not get help in time, as they succumb to sudden adult death syndrome.

Government vaccine mandates causing staffing shortages across the NHS

Earlier in 2022, the NHS threatened tens of thousands of healthcare professionals with discrimination and/or termination if they didn’t comply with unlawful vaccine mandates. The government estimated that 73,000 workers were forced to leave the NHS over their vaccination status. As tens of thousands of healthy medical professionals are purged out of the system, there remains a critical staffing shortage that impacts the quality of life and survival of countless individuals seeking medical care. Healthcare workers who complied with the mandates are oftentimes too sick to work or they feel overworked and taken advantage of. Many healthcare professionals are now seeking higher pay, and are therefore striking, causing more staffing shortages. Over the past three years, the government has created a hostile working environment, where healthcare workers are segregated based on their vaccination status. This abuse and subjugation is being done for a “vaccine” that doesn’t even work and causes more health problems in the population. “What we’re seeing now in terms of these long waits is being associated with increased mortality, and we think somewhere between 300-500 people are dying as a consequence of delays and problems with urgent and emergency care each week,” Dr. Boyle said. “We need to actually get a grip of this,” he warned. “We need to increase our capacity within our hospitals, we need to make sure that there are alternative ways so that people aren’t all just funneled into the ambulance service and emergency department.”

Flu and covid hospitalizations surging, despite vaccination status

The situation is grim in the heavily-vaccinated United Kingdom. The Guardian reported that UK hospitals have lost up to 47 percent of their staff in December, when compared to November figures. Not only are there staffing shortages, but there is also an unprecedented surge in flu hospitalizations. The NHS data shows that 3,746 people were hospitalized with the flu in the week before Christmas. Hospitalization doubled from the week before, when 2,088 critically ill patients sought emergency medical care. The NHS has been dolling out covid-19 boosters and flu shots, which are obviously not improving immunity or respiratory health in the population. In fact, hospitals are reporting an increase in the use of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation to treat flu patients who were fully vaccinated for covid-19. Covid-19 hospitalizations have also been on the rise, regardless of vaccination status. According to NHS data, covid-19 hospitalizations rose from 5,501 people on December 7 to 6,720 on December 14. Overcrowded hospitals and long wait times continue, despite multiple rounds of lockdown, masking, and vaccination. Sources include: RT.com NaturalNews.com DailyMail.co.uk TheGuardian.com