Another Renz Rant: Operation Warp Speed a secret weapon against Trump
By kevinhughes // 2023-01-04
Operation Warp Speed is a secret weapon against former President Donald Trump, according to Ohio attorney Tom Renz. The lawyer said during an episode of "Another Renz Rant" that the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine, which Operation Warp Speed helped expedite, is garbage. He cited evidence of vaccine maker Moderna having worked on a precursor for the COVID-19 vaccine between 2015 and 2016. "There's a patent out there that demonstrates this," Renz remarked. "While they were working on this bioweapon over in the Chinese lab, it looks like they were also working on the accompanying bioweapon in the sense of the jab. So, this is out there and it's pretty clear what's going on there." (Related: Operation Warp Speed unleashed a new era of science fraud - untested mRNA jabs now fast-tracked for RSV, flu, heart disease and endless covid variants.) According to reports, Moderna filed a patent on Feb. 4, 2016 for a 19-nucleotide gene sequence. This sequence, a product of gain-of-function research, made COVID-19 more infectious. But further investigation revealed that the Cambridge, Massachusetts-based pharmaceutical firm had earlier applied for four patents linked to this sequence on Dec. 16, 2013. Renz recalled Trump saying the federal government needs to do something about the COVID-19 pandemic. Former National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) Director Dr. Anthony Fauci then came up with the idea of creating a vaccine. Within five minutes, Moderna submitted proposals for a vaccine. This led Renz to comment that the company's vaccine was in development well before SARS-CoV-2 emerged. Furthermore, he pointed out that Moderna had been working on various gene therapies and products for some time.

Renz: Trump duped by liars, crooks

"This was not an accident. Trump got lied to, got lied to over and over again and [he] believed it," Renz said. "He got duped because the people around him are liars and crooks. This man was surrounded by more liars, crooks and snakes than any person I've ever seen." The host of "Lawfare with Tom Renz" on Brighteon.TV said Trump is an excellent leader who believes in America and supports America First – but he is not a health expert. He exhorted the real estate mogul-turned-president to come out and tell the American people what is really going on. "The Left is getting ready to use the clot shot, and Operation Warp Speed is the ultimate check to ensure that Donald Trump can't come back," the Ohio attorney warned. Renz added that in case the House Jan. 6 Select Committee and the Department of Justice fail with their attempt to stop Trump's 2024 presidential run, they will blame him for the COVID clot shot. According to the "Lawfare" host, Trump asked for a solution, not a problem. However, the solution presented to him was a well-planned disaster of epic proportions – that Trump's enemies are now going to lay at his feet. Renz emphasized that Trump is not responsible for this, adding that he tried to help America through a bad time. "Now my hope is that he'll get out ahead of this. He needs to come out and talk about this soon because the one thing that the MAGA (Make America Great Again) nation is not going to do is they are not going to support these clot shots," Renz said. "They'll continue to support him, but it could divide his base a bit because these [vaccines] are killing everybody. Everybody is seeing it now and it's only going to get worse." Follow for more news about Donald Trump. Watch Tom Renz explain how Operation Warp Speed will be used against Trump in the episode of "Another Renz Rant" below. This video is from the Thomas Renz channel on

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