Here are some ways to lose weight and lower your blood sugar without fasting
By oliviacook // 2023-01-05
Losing weight and lowering your blood sugar without the need to fast or starve oneself is definitely possible. Taiwanese endocrinologist Dr. Neng-chun Yu is proof of this. He was once troubled by obesity and diabetes even though he himself treated patients afflicted with these conditions. Yu eventually developed a diet known as the "1-3-3 low-carbohydrate meal plate" that aided him in his weight loss journey. Thanks to his diet, Yu lost 20 kilograms (kg) from 2016 to 2018. He lost an additional 24 kg from 2018 until 2022. Aside from helping him drop the points, the diet he pioneered helped bring his blood sugar to a healthy level. According to Yu, the 1-3-3 diet stands for one serving of carbohydrates, three servings of protein and three servings of vegetables. "I have successfully treated many elderly diabetic patients with the 1-3-3 diet," Yu remarked. He added that only five percent of his patients who adopt the diet need to continue taking diabetes medications. Moreover, some patients were able to stop receiving insulin injections after adopting the 1-3-3 diet.

Other ways to reduce weight and keep blood sugar under control without fasting

Aside from the 1-3-3 diet, there are other ways to reduce weight and keep blood sugar within manageable levels without resorting to fasting. Drinking water plays a key role in blood glucose management. According to a paper in Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome, water intake "was correlated with reduced risk of Type 2 diabetes (T2D) in women and men." It pointed out that water intake was "an inseparable part" of a diet linked to the lowest risk of T2D. (Related: Common dehydration linked with cancer, diabetes, stroke and depression - Learn how water therapy can keep you happy and healthy.) Eating foods with a low glycemic index (GI) also aids in keeping blood sugar in check. One study published May 2020 in Nutrients stated that consuming low-GI foods helped reduce body weight, body fat mass and blood sugar levels among diabetic study participants. Barley, beans, legumes, lentils, non-starchy vegetables, oats, unsweetened Greek yogurt and whole wheat pasta are some examples of foods with low to moderate GI. Eating more fiber also helps in regulating blood sugar and weight, with scientists recommending a daily intake of about 25 grams for women and 35 grams for men. According to a study published April 2019 in Nutrition Journal, a high-fiber diet helps improve the body's ability to regulate blood sugar. It also found that fiber helps minimize drops in blood glucose. Frequently munching on healthy snacks throughout the day could also improve insulin sensitivity. A study published December 2019 in Scientific Reports suggests that having smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day had a positive effect on blood glucose and energy levels. The researchers posited that "a regular meal pattern, including consumption of breakfast and multiple smaller meals" could be of much benefit to diabetics. Head over to for more tips on how to lower your blood sugar levels naturally. Watch this video about how beans can help you control your blood sugar levels naturally. This video is from the Natural News channel on

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