Austrian defense minister says one-third of Europeans are unprepared for coming winter blackouts
By ethanh // 2023-01-06
Despite months of red flags and warnings, one in three people living in Europe are woefully unprepared for the very dark winter that is fast approaching. Klaudia Tanner, Austria's defense minister, told German news giant Die Welt in a recent interview that one-third of Europe is going to be hit upside the head once the lights go out and the heat stops. One in three Europeans, she explained, will simply not be able to "supply themselves." "The questions is not whether it (the blackout) will come, but when it will come," Tanner said ominously. "Did you know that a third of the population would no longer be able to take care of themselves by the fourth day of a power blackout?" Tanner went on to, of course, blame Vladimir Putin for Europe's self-imposed destruction, which would not even be a factor had the continent not gone "green" and abandoned its own energy infrastructure. "For Putin, hacking attacks on Western power supplies are a tool of hybrid warfare," Tanner added. "We must not pretend that this is just a theory. We must be prepared for blackouts in Austria and Europe." (Related: America faces similar blackouts this winter due to the energy crisis.)

Germany buys up electric heaters ahead of gas supply running out, but using them threatens to create more blackouts

Had countries like Austria, Germany, and France kept their coal-fired and nuclear power plants instead of shutting them down in exchange for wind, solar, and hoping for the best, Europe's energy situation would not even be one. It is precisely because the leaders of these countries decided to dismantle their own energy infrastructure and independence that people like Tanner are speaking to the media about impending doom. Germany's solution to all this is to start buying up electric heaters ahead of its gas supplies running out. The only problem is that once all those electric heaters are running, the grid will become so overloaded that even more blackouts are likely to occur. "If everyone switched on a fan heater at home, it would mean that we would have to almost double the existing network structure on every street," warned Peter Lautz, head of the Stadtwerke Wiesbaden Netz utility company. Just before winter officially began, German officials also announced plans to turn large sports arenas and exhibition halls into "warm up spaces" to help freezing citizens stay alive amid skyrocketing energy costs. Winfried Kretschmann, a top Green Party official, is also urging Germans to stop taking showers and baths, and to instead wipe their bodies down with washcloths while purchasing costly "eco-heating" systems for their homes. "This is the Joe Biden Economic Plan for Europe where blackouts and cold houses are designed to bring Russia to its knees," joked one commenter about the insanity of everything that is now taking place. "They set the world up by selling them electric everything first and building homes that aren't naturally warm. It was all planned secretly," wrote another. "Economic science has a lot to answer for and Corporate Law is the pimp of it all." As for the risks to U.S. energy infrastructure this winter, another commenter speculated that blackouts are almost a certainty here, too – "the only question will be: are they regional or national?" Someone else suggested that preppers who are concerned about all this purchase warm clothing specifically designed for survival in cold conditions. "It only took about a year or two to crush the western republics," added another to the conversation. "Complete and total failure of democracy by design." More related news can be found at Sources for this article include: