The Zelenko Report: Health freedom activist urges Americans to challenge hospital boards over COVID protocols – Brighteon.TV
By kevinhughes // 2023-01-06
Health freedom activist Tanya Parus exhorted Americans to challenge hospital boards about their protocols for the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19), arguing that the people need to be educated and informed about what is going on. "There's nothing wrong with getting up there on your hospital boards, and there's nothing wrong with asking them to review these things," she told Zelenko Freedom Foundation Co-Chair Ann Vandersteel during the Dec. 26 episode of "The Zelenko Report" on Brighteon.TV. "Maybe they do, maybe they don't, they generally won't." "But that's why I say you just have to continue to educate. I think the only thing we can do is just educate everybody. Everybody that you meet, everybody you talk to. It's important to inform everybody about what's going on." Parus, the president of the Sarasota County chapter of Moms for America, challenged the board of Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Florida to reveal how much money they were making every time a COVID-19 test gets administered. She also sought an explanation from the board why so many people were getting asked to get tested. According to Parus, there is money involved in the COVID-19 testing scheme. "They'll try to dismiss all of this, and they'll try to not expose this because people are not stupid. When you start finding out that every time you go into the hospital, you're getting asked for a COVID test regardless. There's money attached to it. People start recognizing that something else is going on," she told Vandersteel. "The more you tell people, the more you get people to these hospital board meetings [and] school board meetings, get them in front of these elected officials, they'll start to see what's going on. They'll start to have that passion burning inside of them to make sure that this doesn't happen anymore, and we get better people on these elected boards."

MSM paints advocacy of Parus' group in negative light

According to Vandersteel, Parus' group was very active during the campaign season and helped elect three members of the Health Freedom Caucus to the hospital board. (Related: Over 100 Houston Methodist Hospital employees sue over covid vaccine "mandate.") However, the mainstream media (MSM) painted the group's advocacy in the negative light. Parus noted that while her group was trying to save lives and getting the word out about what is going on in hospitals, the MSM instead focused on politicizing them. In particular, a Dec. 21 NPR piece described Parus and other health freedom activists as merely "political activists opposed to COVID-19 protocols." The three board members they helped elect were accused of questioning "the effectiveness of vaccines" and spreading "medical misinformation." The NPR piece alleged that the election of the three from the Health Freedom Caucus "has thrown the hospital board's typically quiet meetings into chaos." Parus commented that the article, penned by NPR's Zach Hirsch, shows how the media is guilty of forcing its readers to believe what they want them to believe. Meanwhile, Vandersteel mentioned that NPR reached out to her, Moms for America's Sarasota chapter and members of the community. Ultimately, the health freedom advocate said they would not stop holding the Sarasota Memorial Hospital board accountable even though their case would most likely not go forward. "This just goes to show you, it's all about taking back our country. We have to do that from all these institutions, including the medical institutions. They have entirely too much control and we're going to fight, continue to fight for everyone's freedoms," said Parus, adding they are also fighting for the children and the next generation. Watch the Dec. 26 episode of "The Zelenko Report" below. "The Zelenko Report" with Ann Vandersteel airs every weekday at 1-2 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.

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