Can humanity survive reckless biotechnology experiments?
By newseditors // 2023-01-09

During the last 300,000 years, there have been numerous near-extinction events affecting the entire human population of the planet. But the genetic structure and capacity to develop higher functions and capabilities characteristic of humans have survived numerous catastrophes and played their crucial role in saving and rebuilding civilization.

(Article by Rhoda Wilson republished from

However, there is a new threat: genetic manipulation. The current proliferation of biotechnology, which essentially relies on artificial gene editing is unprecedented in human history.  Will we survive it?

Has reckless biotechnology experimentation initiated a global extinction event?

By Dr. Guy Hatchard

During the last 300,000 years, there have been numerous near-extinction events affecting the entire human population of the planet. These include massive volcanic eruptions like Mount Toba in Indonesia (72,000 years ago) and Taupo in New Zealand (300,000 years ago). They also include tectonic events like the Alika mega slide in Hawaii (120,000 years ago). Climatic changes have also affected human populations like the onset of the late Wisconsin ice age 26,000 years ago and its ending 10,000 years ago. Meteor events have also played a role. One probably caused the younger dryas climate catastrophe 12,900 years ago. Heinrich events, whereby massive icebergs disrupt ocean currents, have also occurred many times.

Award-winning geneticist Professor David Reich of Harvard is an expert in the DNA profiles of ancient human remains. In his 2018 book ‘Who We Are and How We Got Here’, Reich explains that the genetic record of ancient humans that he has examined in the subcontinent demonstrates that in addition to global catastrophes – referred to as Adam and Eve events – local near-extinction events are more common than we previously realised. In other words, natural catastrophes of various sorts can almost wipe out whole populations which must then recover and rebuild from the surviving genetic base.

Reich also found that the particular aspects of the human genome commonly understood to support language acquisition and tool technology are far older than previously thought. They have been with the human race for at least one million years and possibly more than five million years. In other words, the genetic structure and capacity to develop higher functions and capabilities characteristic of humans have survived numerous catastrophes and played their crucial role in saving and rebuilding civilization.

In fact, the intact preservation of our shared inherited genetic structure is both the foundation of the human race and the guarantee of its survival and continuance. Even successive plagues of global illness throughout the ages such as the plague of Cyprian 250-271, the Black Death 1346-1353, and many others including infectious pandemics, whose causes are now lost in history, did not degrade our genetic structure. Our immune system, guided by our genetics, learns from them and works out how to respond to future threats to health of a similar nature.

Genetic manipulation threatens our long-term survival

With this background, we can begin to understand just how much of a threat genetic manipulation could pose to our long-term survival. Our genetic structure contains our survival toolbox, but this toolbox is like no other. All the tools are connected together in a self-interacting whole fully integrated with the fundamental laws of nature as partially described by physics, chemistry, etc. Moreover, it is an automatic toolbox, it doesn’t require a technologist to open and operate it. DNA repairs and renews itself daily and reproduces its functions through successive generations. Tinker with it at your peril.

Here are some of the features of genetic structures we have described in detail in previous articles, which can be maimed by gene technology:

  • We know very little about how our genetic makeup and structure support consciousness, especially the higher functions that define us as humans.
  • Genetic edits are passed on to future generations, and mistakes spread widely and can’t be recalled.
  • The entire functioning of our physiology and the living world around us depends on DNA. DNA is the controlling apex of a hierarchy of bio intelligence.
  • DNA has evolved over millions of years in tandem with a network of mutually supportive food sources which also depend on the same genetic structure.
  • Our DNA has no historical evolutionary context to tackle man-made, artificially designed and/or manufactured pathogens/toxins which can consequently overwhelm our immune defences and our physiological stability.
  • Contrary to popular conceptions, genetic evolution is not entirely random, studies have shown species evolution follows similar paths in widely separate environments. The implication of this is clear: DNA functions are not necessarily robust when edited.
  • The reproductive and repair capabilities of organisms can be degraded by genetic editing. There is accumulating evidence that this is the case as a result of covid-19 mRNA vaccination which modifies the way our genome expresses itself in affected cells.
  • Living systems defy the second law of thermodynamics, the rule that in closed systems any energy transformation results in loss – often referred to as the arrow of time. How exactly living systems manage to reverse this law is unknown. Thus the fundamentals of evolution could be put at risk by genetic modification.

The current proliferation of biotechnology, which essentially relies on artificial gene editing followed by cloning and the application of selected genetic constructs on a massive scale, is unprecedented in human history. It is completely unique. It has been entered into on the basis of a rudimentary, incomplete, and often faulty understanding of genetic functions. Crucially there is no clear reliable conception of the final outcomes.

The covid pandemic has given us a glimpse into what can go wrong and how rapidly that might happen. It is no stretch to theorise that humans might have initiated a previously unknown type of sudden extinction event in which our genetic survival toolbox has been compromised. There is now growing evidence that immune function is compromised by repeated mRNA interventions, a defect that may be passed on to future generations.

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