Ivanka Trump admits her father's administration partnered with Moderna to produce mRNA vaccines BEFORE Operation Warp Speed
By ethanh // 2023-01-18
Official government documents show that messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines were in development long before Donald "father of the vaccine" Trump officially launched Operation Warp Speed on May 15, 2020 – and his daughter Ivanka admitted this in a tweet from later in the year that many seem to have missed. A public-private partnership involving both the government and the private sector started funneling resources into the development of covid injections on Jan. 13, 2020, Ivanka Trump tweeted on Nov. 16, 2020. She wrote: "Fact Check: This Moderna / NIH vaccine is literally the one that President @realDonaldTrump partnered with Moderna to create on January 13, 2020 ... I repeat January 13th, 2020. Just be happy. This is great news for America and for the world!" That "great news" ultimately led to tens of millions of vaccine injuries and deaths – and counting – all around the world. But the real kicker here is what Ivanka Trump admitted: covid vaccines were already in development before the first confirmed case of covid was even announced on Jan. 20, 2020. "So apparently, taking Ivanka at her word, this seems to be a rather big fly in the ointment concerning the development of the mRNA vaccines; that the Trump administration was already aware of the mRNA tech, the development of the shots, and a partnership with Moderna that was already in place an entire week before the first purported case of Covid-19 was confirmed (January 20th, 2020)," reported Wine Press News. "However, many people did not seem to truly acknowledge and comprehend what Ivanka was admitting to, but rather blasted her and Donald for essentially knowing about the 'threat' of the virus but chose not to alert people sooner, attributing hundreds of thousands of deaths to Trump’s perceived carelessness." (Related: Ivanka is also a graduate from the WEF's Young Global Leaders program.)

How long ago did covid vaccine development REALLY begin? And how long has Donald Trump REALLY been involved?

Several large disbursements of cash were made after Jan. 20, 2020, including a $483 million grant made to Moderna on April 16 and a $456 million grant to Johnson & Johnson (J&J) on March 30. Before that, though – and before the first confirmed covid case – Donald Trump was working with Moderna to unleash mRNA jabs. Once again, the argument that was sparked on Twitter between Ivanka Trump and her father's "haters" centered around the wrong issue. While they fought about who should receive credit for Operation Warp Speed, many people overlooked the fact that Donald Trump was involved in covid vaccine development before covid even emerged in the United States. "But these tweets and more are beside the point in the much grander scheme of it all: it means these vaccines were not developed at 'warp speed' like the administration says it was," Wine Press News further explains. "... the Trump administration was already prepping for a 'pandemic' in advance before 2020. In 2019 Donald Trump initiated what was called 'Crimson Contagion:' a pandemic simulation event identical to the likes of the infamous Event 201 simulation, that prophesied a deadly and highly infectious 'new coronavirus' to sweep the globe, where many of the measures practiced in advance came to pass." That Crimson Contagion event culminated with Trump signing an executive order on Sept. 19, 2019 – before the very first cases of covid ever appeared anywhere in the world – allowing for new "influenza" vaccines to be developed – so-called "flu shots" that look oddly like covid injections. For the record, Moderna in a press release confirmed what Ivanka Trump tweeted: that mRNA covid vaccines were being developed before the first known case of covid arrived in the U.S. And before that, the Obama regime prepared the way for this by investing and aiding in mRNA research. To learn more about the dangers and ineffectiveness of the vaccines being peddled by the globalists, visit ChemicalViolence.com. Sources for this article include: WinePressNews.com NaturalNews.com