Study finds correlation between COVID-19 vaccines and plummeting birth rates in Europe, Australia and Asia
By bellecarter // 2023-01-19
A recent extensive study conducted by Dr. Robert W. Chandler found that there was a correlation between the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines and the shocking drop in birth rates in Europe, Australia and Asia. Nine months after the COVID-19 mRNA injections have been rolled out, the number of children being born substantially dropped in 13 out of 19 European countries, England and Wales, Australia and Taiwan. In Switzerland, the decline in births was the largest in 150 years. The study noted that the figures were more than during two world wars, the Great Depression and the advent of birth control. Also in Europe, Germany's birth rate plummeted 8.3 percent through three quarters of 2022. In England and Wales, there was a 12 percent drop through June 2022. Their government reportedly stopped publishing data related to this. In Australia, the number of children being born fell 21 percent from October to November 2021, which was followed by a 63 percent decrease from November to December of the same year. The study also presented Taiwan's report about the alarming drop in birth rate. According to Chandler's paper, the Swiss Hagemann group published a statement on August 25, 2022, regarding the decline of live births in Europe. "My analysis puts the monthly birth figures in relation to the average of the last three years. In advance it should be noted that every single examined European country shows a monthly decline in birth rates of up to more than 10 percent compared to the last three years," Chandler wrote. As a reaction to the study, Dr. Peter A McCullough, a renowned analyst of the COVID-19 pandemic response, tweeted an image of the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) report on the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines with the caption: "Young people should have thought through genetic shots and weighted it all out. Most wanted school, work, and travel uninterrupted. Traded short for long-term consequences. Hoping not permanent." One of his followers replied in the thread, saying that "my cousin 10 years post-menopause started bleeding and now has to have surgery." Another one said: "Yup, my closest friend suffered through this heavy bleeding for months. Another had a seizure. And another had heavy metal taste and smell for months."

Pfizer knows miscarriage is one of the many serious adverse effects of its mRNA vaccine

In a separate post, Twitter user @VigilantFox shared a video clip where renowned author and former presidential campaign advisor Dr. Naomi Wolf talked about how Pfizer knew that miscarriage is one of the serious adverse effects of its mRNA vaccine. Wolf teamed up with volunteer health experts and lawyers to mobilize people in investigating 55,000 pages of Pfizer's trial documents per month. (Related: Naomi Wolf: Pfizer, government know vaccines won’t cure COVID-19… but they push them anyway.) She further discussed the increase in miscarriages and menstrual issues and how the pharmaceutical giant's internal documents labeled the loss of a child during pregnancy due to the COVID-19 jab under the category of adverse events that were 'RECOVERED' or 'RESOLVED.'" Meanwhile, analysts are saying that COVID-19 vaccines are the antidote to a pre-engineered virus to deliberately depopulate humanity in whichever way it can – be it killing those who took the jabs or injuring women to stop procreating. Big Tech tycoon Elon Musk warned of population collapse years ago, while the globalists at the World Economic Forum (WEF) have insisted that overpopulation is an issue that needs to be addressed. "Population collapse is an existential problem for humanity, not overpopulation," the Twitter chief said. Globalist Bill Gates has been upfront and vocal about funding and pushing vaccines worldwide, especially the COVID-19 vaccines. He said vaccines could help lower the population. "The world has 6.8 billion people that are headed up to 9 billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps 10-15 percent," he said. Visit for more stories related to the globalists' plans to wipe out humanity. Watch the video below that talks about Pfizer documents revealing that COVID-19 shots accumulate in the ovaries, causing fetal deaths and miscarriages. This video is from the Ruth Mackenzies channel on

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