WEF annual meeting opened with creepy call by Klaus Schwab to "master the future"
By ethanh // 2023-01-20
The annual meeting of the World Economic Forum (WEF) is currently underway in Davos, Switzerland. And at the opening session, globalist kingpin Klaus Schwab addressed attendees with urgent rhetoric about his desire to "master the future." "We couldn't meet at a more challenging time," the cartoonish villain said from the stage. "We are confronted with so many crises simultaneously. What does it mean to master the future?" Schwab went on to answer his own question by basically stating that mastering the future means taking control of everything and creating a global citizenry of obedient slaves. "I think, to have a platform where all stakeholders of global society are engaged: governments, businesses, civil society, the young generation – and I could go on – I think is the first step to meet all the challenges." In other words, if the global population can be tricked into believing that they are stakeholders right alongside the globalists, then a more "perfect" herd of humanity can be birthed out of Schwab's agenda. (Related: Only unvaccinated pilots were allowed to fly Schwab and his fellow WEF meeting attendees into Davos on their private jets.)

In seven years -- by 2030 -- Schwab and the globalists intend to turn all humans into a transhuman herd of fully controlled, fully mastered slaves

One of the first things that Schwab wants to see go are national borders and governments. All nations must sacrifice their sovereignty and merge into the globalist singularity in order for the rest of the "challenges" to be addressed. Schwab's statements about mastering the future are a dead giveaway as to how he and his fellow globalists view the world. Instead of each individual possessing God-given self-sovereignty, Schwab et al. see us all as cattle to be controlled and mastered. Their goal is to turn humans into a full-fledged herd of transhuman slaves by the year 2030. Over the course of the next seven years as this final endgame approaches, Schwab wants he and his fellow globalists to keep "a positive spirit" full of "creativity and ingenuity." After stating this, Schwab welcomed up to the stage globalist-aligned "musicians" and "artists" to put on a show in celebration of this dystopian future in which the transhuman herd will own nothing, have no privacy, and be "happy." One of the overarching themes of this year's WEF meeting was dubbed "Cooperation in a Fragmented World." Towards this end, the WEF stated that its intention is to: "... reaffirm the value and imperative of dialogues and public-private cooperation, not only to navigate the current cascading crises but, more importantly, to drive tangible, system-positive change for the long term." Put another way, Schwab and his cohort intends to harness the power of all these engineered crises in order to gain absolute control over every element of life on earth. From this, a new world will be birthed – one in which there is no more freedom and where nothing is real. All remaining human souls must be purged and have their bodies replaced with transhuman DNA, which is already happening with gene-modifying covid "vaccines." Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and 5G are also sapping the human spirit in preparation for the arrival of 2030. Among the United States representatives who are in attendance at this year's WEF extravaganza in Davos include: • Climate Czar John F. Kerry • Biden's trade representative Katherine Tai • Biden's secretary of labor Martin Walsh • FBI head Christopher Wray • U.S. Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines • Samantha Power of the U.S. Agency for International Development • Gov. Brian Kemp of Georgia • Gov. Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan • Gov. JB Pritzker of Illinois • Sen. Christopher Coons • Sen. Maria Cantwell • Sen. James Risch • Sen. Joe Manchin • Sen. Kyrsten Sinema There are also a number of House Representatives from California, New York, Florida, New Jersey, and Massachusetts in attendance. The latest news about the WEF can be found at Globalism.news. Sources for this article include: ThePostMillennial.com NaturalNews.com