Antifa terrorist shot, killed by Georgia police after wounding officer, proving again the violent left is the biggest threat to America
By jdheyes // 2023-01-22
Anything Democrats and their allies in the fakestream media accuse conservatives of being or doing is nothing more than purposeful misdirection because in reality, the left is the real threat to stability in America, as evidenced once again by an incident that took place near Atlanta recently. For most of 2020, far-left Black Lives Matter and Antifa types burned and looted vast swaths of major cities under the guise of 'justice' for George Floyd, a known drug user who resisted arrest in Minneapolis and died as a result of being pinned to the pavement for nearly 10 minutes. True to form, however, it was the police officers who were arrested and punished, charged with various levels of murder. One of them, Derek Chauvin, who pinned Floyd with his knee on a Minneapolis street as his training instructed him to do, will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars. Of course, after the initial protests, the militant counterrevolutionary left continued rioting, terrorizing the public, and burning and looting for months, all under the same guise of "justice for George." That was a lie, of course; the groups were used by the Democrat left and their media lapdogs to foist changes on our country that otherwise would never have been possible, like "defunding" police and electing district attorneys financed by George Soros, who let criminals go free. Now, more than 2 years later, the counterrevolution continues, and with deadly consequences. According to Fox 5, a terrorist Antifa militant was shot and killed by Georgia State Patrol officers after he shot and wounded one of them in 'protest' of a new police training facility that is being built outside the city: The shooting happened around 9 a.m. Wednesday during a "clearing operation" at the site, Georgia Department of Public Safety Colonel Chris Wright said at a press conference at Grady Memorial Hospital. Investigators say law enforcement officers were attempting to get a man out of a tent located on the property. He did not respond to commands given to him to exit and at some point, Wright said that a protestor fired a shot, hitting the trooper. Officers returned fire, killing the suspect.  Georgia Bureau of Investigation Director Michael Register said a protestor opened fire first. "An individual, without warning, shot a Georgia State Patrol trooper," Register said in an announcement. "Other law enforcement personnel returned fire in self-defense and evacuated the trooper to a safe area. The individual who fired upon law enforcement and shot the trooper was killed in the exchange of gunfire." The report noted further that the trooper was out of surgery later in the day after being shot in the "pelvic area." Police went on to round up an additional four 'protesters' who were occupying ground where the complex is being built. The incident comes after left-wing Antifa types have been "protesting" the construction of the "cop city" training site for months, even heaving a Molotov cocktail at officers at one point last summer. In December, a similar sweep by Georgia law enforcement netted five arrests, as Antifa types continue to insist they have a right to be on private property to 'demonstrate.' Fox 5 noted: "DeKalb County District Attorney Sherry Boston said at the time that people attacked firefighters and police officers with rocks and weapons as the officers removed barricades blocking some entrances to the site." The GBI and other law enforcement agencies "embrace a citizen’s right to protest, but law enforcement can’t stand by while serious criminal acts are being committed that jeopardize the safety of the citizens we’re sworn to protect," Register said. People are "illegally occupying" the area and have frequently committed criminal acts that endanger the community. They include beating people, arson, using explosives, and setting booby traps that could seriously harm individuals, the GBI director said. Once again, it's far-left Antifa, not conservatives who support Donald Trump, who are the real domestic terrorists. Sources include: