Twitter banned women who complained about 'transgender' rugby player competing against 16-year-old girls
By newseditors // 2023-01-23
After a biological male in his 30’s who identifies as a transgender woman was allowed to compete in a Gaelic soccer final against 16-year-old girls, women who complained about it had their accounts banned by Twitter. (Pre-Elon era Twitter.) (Article by Paul Joseph Watson republished from The transgender in question, Giulia Valentino, is a balding man who moved to Dublin from Italy and has previously advocated for women’s sport to allow transgenders to compete as well as complaining about not being able to use female changing rooms. As the image above shows, Valentino clearly has an unfair physical advantage over the female players yet was allowed to compete anyway for Na Gaeil Aeracha, which describes itself as Ireland’s “first explicitly LGBTQ+ inclusive” football club. After Na Gaeil Aeracha won the 2022 Junior J Shield tournament with ease, critics were censored for questioning Valentino’s involvement. null null “I think it is preposterous. Twitter clearly has its own agenda and considers this to be hate speech. Utterly bonkers,” one woman told the Daily Mail. “Seemingly many individuals have had their accounts locked or suspended by merely pointing out a scientific truth.” Some had their accounts locked, but many were banned outright for calling Valentino a man. “The women who have been suspended from Twitter are the latest in a long line of women – and some men – who have been banned from the social media platform for stating the truth,” said Women’s Right Network’s Heather Binning. Another person expressed concern that Valentino could have even hurt the other girls, given his clearly dominant physicality. “I quit team sports when I started feeling uncomfortable with the male environment… Actually, I am playing rugby with a women’s team, and it is my first team experience after the transition,” Valentino previously stated. However, there is no evidence that he has actually had any transition surgery. According to Reduxx, “Valentino performs at fetish clubs under the moniker DJ Mav and identifies himself as a “trans dyke.” null “Many of the photos on Valentino’s social media are of him in explicit fetish gear, or posing on stripper poles or in highly sexual venues.” Naturally, who could have expected anything else? As we previously highlighted, back in June, Rugby’s international governing body banned transgender athletes from competing in women’s matches. Gee, I wonder why? Read more at: