Tucker Carlson: CIA took down Nixon over his planned Kennedy assassination probe
By ramontomeydw // 2023-01-23
Fox News anchor Tucker Carlson revealed that the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), with the backing of the Deep State, was responsible for the downfall of former President Richard Nixon via the Watergate scandal. The "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host began by pointing out that Nixon was the most popular president in American history. First elected in 1968, he won a second term four years later in 1972 by getting 17 million more votes – the largest popular vote margin on record – than his opponent, Democratic nominee George McGovern. "Less than two years later, he was gone. Nixon was kicked out of office and replaced by the only unelected president in American history. He was forced to resign and, in his place, an obedient servant of the federal agencies called Gerald Ford took over the White House." According to Carlson, Nixon "believes that elements in the federal bureaucracy were working to undermine the American system of government, and had been doing that for a long time." The Fox News host recounted a June 23, 1972 meeting between Nixon and then-CIA Director Richard Helms that was recorded on tape. During the meeting, the president suggested that he knows "who shot John" – former President John F. Kennedy. Moreover, Nixon implied that the CIA was directly involved in Kennedy's assassination. Helms was silent throughout the meeting, which happened six days after burglars broke into the Watergate building on June 17, 1972. According to Carlson, four of the five burglars arrested after the break-in were working for the CIA. The aftermath of the event led to the Watergate scandal that forced Nixon to step down.

Carlson: Bob Woodward a Deep State agent

Carlson added that the Washington Post (WaPo), in particular its Associate Editor Bob Woodward, published many dishonest stories about the Watergate scandal. The first such story, which ran on June 19, 1972, was penned by Woodward – that time a reporter for the publication. "Who exactly was Bob Woodward? Well, he wasn't a journalist. Woodward had no background whatsoever in the news business," said the Fox News anchor. He continued that the WaPo associate editor was a naval officer at the Department of Defense prior to the scandal. Woodward's main source for his series was an informant with the pseudonym "Deep Throat" – actually Mark Felt, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) deputy director at the time. According to Carlson, Felt ran the FBI's COINTELPRO program "designed to secretly discredit political actors the federal agencies wanted to destroy," including Nixon. (Related: How the media secretly carries out assignments for the CIA.) "And at the same time, those agencies were also working to take down Nixon's elected Vice President Spiro Agnew. In the fall of 1973, Agnew was indicted for tax evasion and forced to resign." Once Nixon and Agnew were out of the way, Carlson said the Deep State then put in Ford, who at that time was a Republican congressman representing Michigan. "What was Ford's qualification for the job? Well, he had served on the Warren Commission which absolved the CIA of responsibility for Kennedy's murder," he remarked. According to the "Tucker Carlson Tonight" host, Nixon "was strong-armed" by Congress Democrats to accept Ford. He quoted then-House Speaker Carl Albert (D-OK), who boasted: "We gave Nixon no choice but Ford." "Those are the facts, not speculation. Most of it actually is on Wikipedia, but no mainstream news organization has ever told that story. It's so obvious, yet unintentionally ignored. As a result, permanent Washington remains in charge of our political system," Carlson said. "Unelected lifers in federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government and crush anyone who tries to rein them in. In the process, our democracy becomes a joke." Watch Tucker Carlson shares his insights on the Deep State's takedown of former President Richard Nixon below. This video is from the Prevent Global Genocide channel on Brighteon.com.

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