Left cult: Media once again lies about 'mostly peaceful' Antifa protest amid violence, burning squad car
By jdheyes // 2023-01-25
Once again, the left-wing Democrat-supporting organization known collectively as the "mainstream media" has asked viewers not to believe what they were watching on screen during a report about riots that took place over the weekend in Atlanta after an Antifa thug was shot and killed by police. A local Fox crew conjured up memories of a CNN report from Minneapolis, Minn., just days after drug addict and criminal George Floyd died while resisting arrest, in which the correspondent was standing in front of several buildings that were literally on fire and talked about the "mostly peaceful protests" that were occurring in the city. Before it was all said and done, entire blocks in the city were burned or destroyed, including a police precinct. "Local Atlanta reporter calls the protest in Atlanta 'largely peaceful protest' as a police cruiser is on fire in the background. You can't make this stuff up," one Twitter user noted in a post featuring the offending video clip. Red State explained the genesis of the protest: Now, the night started with a protest against the police, in the memory of one of their comrades, Manuel Teran. Teran had been shot and killed by the police after he allegedly shot a cop, when police came to clear protesters out of an area they had been occupying where the city is constructing a police training center. The radicals have had several people, in multiple incidents, arrested for domestic terrorism at the site, including for throwing Molotov cocktails at the police. Notice how everyone is dressed in black and masked up — this isn’t a protest that accidentally devolved into a riot. It’s like most Antifa actions; it’s a ‘protest’ in anticipation of the riot, as people break away and then attack things. Needless to say, this 'mostly peaceful protest' soon turned violent -- as was the plan all along -- with Antifa rioters attacking the Atlanta Police Foundation Building as well as other businesses and setting at least one police vehicle on fire, as seen in the background of the local news report. Journalist Andy Ngo, a veteran of Antifa protests, also noted the violence, as well as outing the leftists who attacked police initially at the new training site. "A news crew captured footage of #Antifa militants smashing up businesses in downtown Atlanta on Saturday at their violent organized "retaliation" against police for shooting dead their gunman comrade. The gunman at the autonomous zone shot a state trooper," he reported. Regardless of what the local media goofballs were reporting, the mayor of Atlanta put the lie quickly to the "mostly peaceful protest" claim. He noted that most were from out of town -- not even from the city or even the region -- and some were found to be in possession of explosives, proving again that it was never going to be a simple 'protest.' “Yes, you heard that correctly, explosives,” Dickens said. That led to a police officer’s car being set on fire, Dickens explained. “Make no mistake about it, these individuals meant harm to people and to property.” Antifa is a domestic terrorist group and should be treated -- and prosecuted -- like one. Sources include: RedState.com ConservativeBrief.com