Top 5 causes of HEART ATTACKS you may not know about
By sdwells // 2023-01-25
Every day now, there's at least one new headline about someone perfectly healthy who "died suddenly" from heart failure, but there never seems to be any follow up to explain what caused it. In the comments section under articles, people are quick to hurl guesses as to what happened to these athletes, military members, pilots, and newscasters who drop dead from a heart attack out of the blue, but what's the science behind it all? Let's take an inside look at some REAL causes of heart failure among what seems to be perfectly healthy people. #1. Sleep Apnea #2. Canola oil #3. Low red blood cell count #4. Opioid-based painkillers #5. The Covid-19 spike protein clot shots

Sleep apnea can occur up to 30 times an hour and is a potentially life-threatening sleep disorder

Sleep apnea is a disorder that causes breathing to get very shallow or even stop periodically, and can occur every few minutes, while sleeping. Symptoms and signs of it include abrupt awakenings accompanied by gasping and a panicked feeling, morning headache, concentration difficulties during the day, daily lack of alertness, and excessive lethargy. Sleep apnea is also a risk factor for high blood pressure, heart failure, and stroke. Pain-killing opioids like fentanyl, morphine, oxycodone, and codeine can depress breathing, leading to sleep apnea (CSA and OSA), hypoventilation, hypoxia, and suffocation, leading to death. Doctors who prescribe opioids know this.

Canola oil comes from rapeseed oil that's toxic to humans, animals, and agriculture, often used as a pesticide

No, there's no such thing as "heart healthy" canola oil. That is a very bad myth that's been debunked over and over by natural health advocates and solid food science research. All canola oil, whether organic, conventional, or expeller-pressed, coagulates in the body and causes rapid weight gain, memory loss, and eventually dementia. Also, 90 percent or more of all canola oil sold to humans is genetically modified to contain pesticides and toxic herbicides, including glyphosate, which has been linked to… wait for it…disruption of sex hormones, fertility problems, miscarriages, thyroid and neurological concerns, cancer, and ironically, heart disease (thus leading to heart attacks). Most canola contains dangerous chemicals that remain as residuals in the final product, including hexane (used to remove the stink of rapeseed), and which is derived from crude oil and petroleum (totally non-edible). Hexane is a neurotoxin.

Low red blood cell count can overtax the heart, make it beat faster, leading to heart attack

Anemia is a condition where there are not enough red blood cells to transport hemoglobin, the protein that carries oxygen throughout the body. Over 3 million Americans are affected by this, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute. When there's a low red blood cell count, the heart attempts to move the lesser number of cells faster, speeding up the heart rate. This can become very taxing and overwhelm the heart over time, leading to a heart attack or complete heart failure. It is now hypothesized that spike protein injections (Covid flu shots) clog the vascular system and also reduce oxygen flow, compounding any existing issues, and creating new ones. Signs and symptoms of low red blood cell count include generalized weakness, fatigue, difficulty catching your breath, chest pain, abnormal heart beat, constantly feeling cold, numbness in hands and feet, pale appearance, irritable mood, headaches and dizziness. Anemia can be caused by insufficient iron in the blood, lack of vitamin B12, cancer, kidney disease, or loss of blood (ulcers or surgery).

The Covid "clot shot" spike proteins can cross the blood-brain-barrier, enter organs, and result in the immune system attacking those organs, including the heart

What if you knew that science is proving that the Covid so-called "vaccines" are really death traps that clog the vascular system, strain the heart, and can lead to sudden death? More than 10,000 Australians DIED of ischemic heart disease during the first two-thirds of 2022. Mainstream media and the vaccine industrial complex are blaming Covid, without any science-based evidence whatsoever to back up those false claims. The media has also been blaming every "sudden death" by heart attack over the past two years on referee whistles, video games, cold showers, and air pollution. What changed since the clot shots came out? What a mystery. Bookmark to your favorite independent websites for updates on "suddenly died" (heart attacks from clot shots) headlines sweeping the nation and the world. It's called the clot shot effect. Sources for this article include: