Biden's lax immigration policy brings Yuma, Arizona to the brink of collapse
By ramontomeydw // 2023-01-26
President Joe Biden's lax immigration policy and espousal of open borders is bringing the city of Yuma in Arizona to the brink of collapse. Writing for the New American magazine, contributor David Kelly noted that the city of Yuma, which has a population of 100,000, sees thousands of illegal aliens crossing the nearby border every week. The U.S. Border Patrol for the sector has reportedly seen a 171 percent increase in illegal immigrants crossing the border between 2021 and 2022. Moreover, Yuma is on the No. 3 spot in illegal immigrant apprehensions, tailing the cities of El Paso and Del Rio in Texas. Jonathan Lines, Yuma County supervisor, told Fox News in an interview: "Policies need to be changed when you see an unprecedented amount of people coming across the border that even supersedes what we saw under any of the other presidents for the past 30 years. [The illegals are] coming because they said that Biden told them to come, that we have an open border." Yuma farmer Hank Auza also expressed concerns about the illegal aliens possibly passing on foodborne pathogens on their crops. The seat of Arizona's Yuma County produces 93 percent of America's leafy greens during the winter months, and the amount of illegal aliens entering could undermine food safety. Alex Muller, another Yuma farmer, shared Auza's sentiments. "Our fields are monitored, audited and tested for different pathogens. You can't have people walking through the field," he emphasized. Worse, Auza mentioned that many Yuma residents cannot get into the city's only hospital. "People have a hard time getting into the hospital because it has been so full of [illegal aliens]," he recounted. The county supervisor ultimately warned that things "will only get worse with Biden's policies," and called on the president to "reassess" his stance. (Related: Poll reveals majority of Arizonans want a BORDER WALL in the Grand Canyon State.)

Lawmakers who visited Yuma only see "sanitized" version of border crisis

Lines also exhorted officials of the Biden administration to visit Yuma in order to witness the specific challenges faced by the city. "I've invited them several times, and I would invite them again right now. Please come and see for yourself," he said. Members of Congress who recently visited Yuma did not see the truth about the border crisis, only the "sanitized version" of it. Earlier in January, a bipartisan delegation from Washington, D.C. led by Sens. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ) and John Cornyn (R-TX) visited the city. But Lines lamented that the senators saw little to understand the full extent of Yuma's problem with illegal aliens. "After the visit, border crossings had dropped to almost nothing amid tighter activity on the Mexican side," the county supervisor said. "[Meanwhile,] discarded shoes, medicine bottles and other evidence of illegal crossings had been removed from along the U.S. side." "Everything's been 100 percent sanitized here as well, even more so than they've ever done before. And we're actually not even seeing people coming across the border right now." Lines also pointed out that unannounced delegations that visit Yuma, not the publicized ones such as that of Sinema and Cornyn, "always see the real border challenge." "It's a lie. They're misrepresenting what's actually happening at the border. Every single time there's a high-profile visit, this is par for the course so that people never get to see what it looks like." Kelly concluded his piece by arguing that "time and time again … Biden and his administration have no desire to secure the border. The border cities such as Yuma will have to continue to stand tall and do what they can to survive the border invasion, while Biden watches from afar willfully ignoring his sworn duty to protect our borders and sovereignty." Watch this Fox News report about Yuma Mayor Douglas Nicholls mulling an emergency declaration due to the surge of illegal aliens, which he later did. This video is from the NewsClips channel on

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