More children in the UK require mental health services due to government and media fear propaganda over COVID-19
By arseniotoledo // 2023-01-27
A physician in the United Kingdom's National Health Service has revealed how many more children are self-harming and attempting suicide due to the stress of the fear propaganda peddled by the country's government and mainstream media outlets in relation to the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Dr. Dave Greenhorn, a consultant of the Bradford Royal Infirmary in West Yorkshire, England, noted that he and his colleagues have been seeing more children and teenagers being brought into the hospital for attempting suicide due to the stress of being terrified of family members catching COVID-19. (Related: The harrowing pictures drawn by children in lockdown: Drawings by youngsters aged from four to 14 reveal feelings of death, loss, loneliness, entrapment, reveals professor.) Reports of children and teenagers' mental health deteriorating due to COVID-19 lockdowns and regulations have been confirmed by physicians since March 2021. At the time, Greenhorn noted that he and his colleagues saw children as young as eight being brought in for self-harming. "We've seen all sorts of tragic things that we haven't seen before," said Greenhorn. He then went on to note that this was something "extremely unusual," and prior to the introduction of COVID-19 restrictions like lockdowns, child and teen suicide rates and suicide attempts were a lot lower. "A year of lockdown is a massive amount of time when you're so young and you can't see your friends, and combine that with other things such as parents on furlough, working from home or losing their jobs," said Greenhorn. "The children don't have the emotive language to discuss why they feel the way they do, they just know that they feel awful." Greenhorn further warned that many other children who have not reached out to mental health services are exhibiting "less dramatic symptoms" of psychological stress, including palpitations and headaches.

More children in the UK need mental health services since start of lockdowns

The British child protection charity, the National Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children (NSPCC), noted that the number of children 11 and under who are seeking counseling sessions for the deteriorating quality of their mental health rose by 16 percent since the first national COVID-19 lockdown was introduced in the United Kingdom. "I've found being inside for so long really difficult," said one 13-year-old girl who called the NSPCC's helpline counseling. "I keep checking my phone and getting upset when nobody is talking to me." "I can't cope with this virus," said another teenager who had been driven to tremendous anxiety due to fear propaganda over catching COVID-19. "I haven't got it, but I'm terrified that my family is going to get it. I don't care about me, but I feel like I can't breathe when I think about my family getting it." "It got to the point where I was having suicidal thoughts and it was really bad," said Gage Oxley, 16, who sought help through his general practitioner for mental health services. "This is what your government, urged by their scientific advisors, did to the nation's children with the help of the mainstream media by broadcasting 24/7 fear propaganda on every news channel, every radio station, every newspaper and in every advert break," wrote the Expose. "Do you still think it was all worth it?" Learn more about the different factors that affect mental health at Watch this clip from InfoWars as Alex Jones talks about how children are being dragged into the metaverse as a replacement for going outside during lockdowns. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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