Just for the record -
An example of directed evolution with comparison to natural evolution. The inner cycle indicates the 3 stages of the directed evolution cycle with the natural process being mimicked in brackets. The outer circle demonstrates steps in a typical experiment. The red symbols indicate functional variants, the pale symbols indicate variants with reduced function. Source: Wikipedia, encyclopedia of the approved narrative.
(Article by Robert W. Malone MD, MS republished from

Wow. What a whirlwind of a week. Still trying to catch my breath, never did make it over to my personal physician for an ECG and prescription to get my tachycardia under control. Delivered a talk/wake up/shock on the fifth gen warfare deployed on all of us over the last three years to 1,300 paying European attendees at a Stockholm conference exactly one week ago. Delayed getting back from Stockholm (via Frankfurt) due to Lufthansa’s ongoing slow decay and inability to adhere to their own flight schedules. Got
Tuesday’s essay written on the plane, posted it from the airport on landing, and finally made it back to the farm by about 11:00 PM EST. Wednesday I drag my sorry rear end out of bed, get the obligate three cups downed and begin the day with an out-of-the-blue call from a mainstream New York investigative reporter (that you would recognize) seeking background information on what the heck is going on with the Florida Grand Jury investigations (which I know very little about - they are running a tight ship!). Of course I have to make a few calls to prepare for that before the 10:00 AM “on background only” discussion. Scheduled long format “Gray Matter” podcast recording at noon, requiring some background reading prior. And then, out of an otherwise cloudless blue sky, a lightning strike.
Project Veritas pings me, asks if I would review an embargoed video that they have prepared, and then allow them to record my reaction to the material via a Zoom call. The Zoom hit scheduled so tight that I can barely get through the embargoed material before we start. And boom. We launch the call and I am still reeling from what I have just viewed. Veritas uses a very tight, abrupt editing style, and they compress a half hour of my interaction/reaction with their reporters into a few moments of the most powerful comments. The investigative reporter who did the interview and captured the video is present but off screen. I am told he is a former Pfizer employee. I am told that the drop time for the resulting video product will be 8:00 PM EST, asked to participate in a Twitter Spaces discussion beginning at 9:00 PM EST, and asked to get other physicians to join. I push out alerts that Veritas has something big coming, and to watch for it, including a personal “heads up” text message to Tucker Carlson. Steve Kirsch calls trying to noodle whatever intel I will give him, but it is embargoed and I hold the line on that. The video drops early. The Twitter Spaces discussion goes big, north of 17,000 on-line live participants. Much ado over whether this is real or not. Among other things, another Pfizer whistleblower sends James O’Keefe a Pfizer org chart listing the young physician in question as having the role and title as advertised, and that gets posted in real time. The Twitter Spaces discussion keeps going after I have to drop off at 11:00 PM EST, my brain still being on European time.
Wake up, and overnight the feces have hit the oscillating ventilator. More coffee. Jill is inundated with interview scheduling requests. Then the ping from Fox News, and Tucker has asked me back on the “real” Fox broadcast. First real Fox hit since the dust up with Alex Berenson, after which I (immaturely) called up the producer and chewed her out. Bad decision. Bottom line, important to not screw this one up. A day of interviews following on the Veritas bombshell (during which I cannot reveal the plans for Tucker’s segment), together with back and forth with Fox - are we on or not? Is this a real employee or a dark arts intel set up?
Almost immediately after the first Veritas video dropped, we all got a masters class in the amazing power and capabilities to control narrative and information which Pfizer has assembled. Important to remember that it was already well known that there is a very tight relationship between Pfizer and Thompson-Reuters. In fact, revealing that clear conflict of interest was the thing that got me kicked off of Linked-In the first time. The UK-based Daily Mail, one of the largest daily publications in the world, puts out a story summarizing the Veritas video, and it is almost immediately deleted. A decentralized army of internet warriors quickly goes to work seeking any intel concerning Jordon Walker, M.D.. I receive screen shots which fully dox the young physician, including email addresses and phone numbers. Do I dox or do I not, that is the question. Decision = not.

People are hitting Google like crazy with queries regarding Jordon Walker, Pfizer and Veritas. As they did when I said “mass formation psychosis” on
Rogan #1757, Google manually interferes with the searches, returning wishy washy “these results are changing rapidly” screens instead of actual links. So, now we have a pretty clear smoking gun involving collusion between Pfizer and Google to suppress the story. Then everything, anything, having to do with Jordon Walker, MD gets memory holed. Wiped from the internet, including the Wayback machine. And then the chaos agents, bots and trolls descend on all social media channels. Sowing doubt that Jordon Walker is even a real person. Floating paranoid conspiracy theories that this is all a big deep-fake set up of Veritas, O’Keefe and myself. Which of course get amplified by the usual actors. Now THAT is an example of Fifth Gen Warfare power! And by the way, I gently advise that readers who were aware of this as it was happening set a check-bit in their brains on the names of those chaos agents who actively promoted this false narrative. Some show the signs of true controlled opposition, and some appear to have been acting as pollinating bees. By their actions you will know them. My advice,
if you were one of the bees, is to own up and clearly acknowledge the documentation demonstrating that this Pfizer nightmare is real.
The following day, as promised, Veritas drops another amazing video in which James O’Keefe confronts Jordon Walker in some New York city eatery, and Dr. Walker comes unglued for all the world to see (I think that is about the kindest description possible). Veritas provides more documentation that Walker is/was, as advertised, a senior Pfizer employee with global Director-level responsibilities relating to their mRNA vaccine portfolio.
Clearly Pfizer has decided that the best response at this point is no response. They have disabled comments on all of their websites and social media outlets (except for those that they are “following”). Pfizer has managed to block every single major corporate news outlet from covering the story (except Tucker, who has considerable content freedom by contract with Fox). Jill posts a warning basically stating that we should expect the Empire to Strike Back.
Friday, I work my way through five more long and short format hits, trying to add new information and insights as they drop, and go to bed early.
Which brings us to Friday night. Dogs wake me up at midnight, and I find that Pfizer legal has finally dropped a response at 8:00 PM EST Friday night. Again, classic textbook timing. Designed to bypass the Friday PM news cycle and more importantly to give Wall Street maximal time to digest the news before opening bell next Monday.
These guys are professional grade. To recap, they have shut Google searches down, memory holed/scrubbed the internet, deployed an army of bots, trolls and chaos agents to cause confusion and doubt on social media, and almost completely suppressed any coverage of the story by the many corporate media outlets that they have been pumping money into over the last three years. Payback time.
And in the face of all of this, still the social media chaos agents persist with their work, claiming that since they are unable to find the actual Pfizer document primary source which others have found and screen shot, this is all fake news. Are they paid and nefarious or just “dull” and incompetent? Hard to differentiate between those two options. But when all the vectors of their words and actions repeatedly point in the same direction, then it gets hard to make the case against nefarious intent. That said, their seeming incompetence and apparent dependency on Google providing the confirmation of their bias provides another practical fifth gen. warfare schooling lesson. For the rest of you, can you just bypass Google searching on this topic please? I use Brave, but there are many others. When trying to triangulate truth these days, it is often useful to employ multiple different search engines.
For the record,
here is the link to Pfizer corporate with the legal statement. There. Can we please all just tell the chaos agents to go pound sand, hit “Block” for those accounts on Twitter, GETTR, GAB, Truth Social, Instagram etc. and move on now?
Fast forward to Saturday 28 January, we wake up, more coffee, and get to work writing today’s essay(s). Inquiring minds want to know!
While I have been composing the above stream of consciousness, Jill has been grabbing the best of the best from the responses that I had posted between midnight last night and 3:00 AM after becoming aware of the Friday 8:00 PM drop from Pfizer legal.
I will close this posting with the gems which she has mined, and then begin composing an analysis of the response from Pfizer’s legal team.
- Yeah but it’s not Gain Of Function though is it… Ok, sure, through various means the virus ‘acquired’ new abilities that it didn’t have before, but it didn’t gain any functions… You see? It didn’t Gain, it acquired… and they were abilities, not Functions… sheesh.
- This word salad is like renaming a child kidnapping and claiming it was an impromptu adoption. There's nothing to see here.
- It's not a "door". It's a rectangular piece of wood, with hinges on one side and a knob on the other, mounted to an opening in the wall.
- The best place to hide something is often in plain sight.
- How is this okay? How do they get to do this and we have no recourse??
- Isn’t this just a smarmy attempt by Pfizer to normalize everything as rare but necessary for their development process?
- This is an amazing tweet. Every time I click on it the number of likes and Rats goes down. Free speech eh.
- Your post showed up in my feed, but I couldn't RT or like the post until I clicked on it and did so on its Tweet page. Just an FYI.
- Authorized use by Emergency Act. Smokescreen put in place by our elected officials. Biden sold us out!!
- Was this a joint effort between PR and marketing. It reads more like an advert for Paxvolid! Grifters gonna grift!
- Unfortunately the narrative was always controlled by big tech & the legacy media, Now with Musk buying Twitter & implementing FREE speech along platforms like GETTR, TRUTH & GAB It’s getting harder & harder to censor the truth Without truth, humanity cannot survive
- Yes, and if they were doing nothing wrong, why did they disappear (scrub) Dr. Jordan Trishton Walker from every reference to his connection to Pfizer from the entire internet? Actions speak louder than words.
- Next press release: “We are doing Gain of Function Research and it’s a Good Thing”
- They literally say they engineer viruses that don't even exist outside of simulations.
- If true; Maybe they can call it, "Predictive Immune Escape Research" No comment regarding the legality. It's not up to me.
- The way it is worded, this only denies directed evolution as a component of vaccine development, but leaves that research door open for ongoing research supporting Paxlovid.
- Cognitive recombination technique? Creative tweaking? Genetic massaging? Function manipulation?
- There is also no direct response suggesting that Mr Walker was lying…interesting.
- I love how they just assume that everyone's capable of producing antibodies equally. Those of us with Lyme disease know we are B cell (and Nk cell) immunosuppressed. All risk and no benefit for us to get the . If they were really concerned about our health, they'd pay for an
- Yeah they literally admitted to outsourcing the research that would be considered a grey area for pfizer to do themselves
- Classic misdirection and flooding of unnecessary information
- And what does it mean where they say “such virus is engineered… for activity… in the cells”?
- So they just hire people that make up terms and lie? He just pulled that term right out of his ass.
- Just the letter title headline tells me Pfizer is in full legal defense mode. That is a good thing.
- Doesn’t look like they denied anything
- Nuremberg trials and sentences for these modern day Mengeles and Goebbels Frankenstein medical tyrants experiment on other people’s bodies using coercion propaganda and force Justice is long overdue History is repeating itself
Well done, Fifth Generation Warfare warriors!
And the memes just keep coming…. Badda Boom.

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