FORCED CONSCRIPTION: Ukrainian troops are KIDNAPPING ethnic Hungarians to be deployed to the front lines
By bellecarter // 2023-02-01
Hungarian men in the Trans-Carpathia area of Ukraine are being terrorized by brutal and forced conscriptions by Ukrainian police and recruiting officers to go into war against Russia According to reports of M1, Hungary's broadcasting network, Kyiv officers are "kidnapping" ethnic Hungarian men between the age of 18 to 60 from highly frequented locations such as train stations, petrol stations and near shopping centers and markets. They also go into homes. In the video clip that was translated by RAIR Foundation USA, a grassroots activist organization, it was revealed that 100 locations are raided every day in Trans-Carpathia alone. Soldiers and policemen point guns, kick and tackle down those who resist. A large group of people has already been forcibly taken from the said area of Ukraine, which is bordering Hungary. Allegedly, many of them already died or were wounded as most were deployed at the war front line. Some reports said hundreds of soldiers' bodies are being stored in specially designed refrigerated goods wagon by Ukrainian authorities near the Hungarian border. Kyiv reportedly wants to recruit thousands of civilians to replace losses in the Ukrainian army. It is unknown whether Ukrainian authorities are also forcibly conscripting Romanian, Moldovan, Slovak and Polish ethnic minorities. There are approximately 150,000 ethnic Hungarians in the Trans-Carpathia region, the area which is the legacy of the non-negotiable Treaty of Trianon signed by Hungary on June 4, 1920, following loss in the first world war. Trianon dismembered the thousand-year-old Kingdom of Hungary, costing it 70 percent of its territory and three million of its population. President Woodrow Wilson later referred to the treaty as "absurd."

Hungary, Austria not sending weapons to Ukraine

Hungarian Defense Minister Kristof Szalay-Bobrovniczky and his Austrian counterpart Klaudia Tanner announced at a meeting in Budapest on Monday, Jan. 30, that they agreed not to send ammunition to neighboring country Ukraine. However, both Hungary and Austria are accepting refugees and are sending humanitarian aid to Ukraine. (Related: No more! European countries call for end to Ukraine funding.) Szalay-Bobrovniczky and Tanner stated during a joint press conference that both countries do not want further war escalation and would want to be on the side of peace. According to Tanner, the greatest danger is that the war could spread to Europe, which would not only be a matter of conventional war but also of an interplay with hybrid warfare and an increase in migration in general. "The effects are not only enormously felt in Austria, but also in Hungary. Eventually, the routes run through our neighboring country to us," Tanner stressed. One solution, she said, is to strengthen the Western Balkans and help these countries integrate into the European Union. Meanwhile, Hungary's Prime Minister Viktor Orban urged Ukraine to give up as Russia has already succeeded in making Ukraine an ungovernable wreck. "It's Afghanistan now," Orban said during a roundtable discussion. Vladimir Putin will not lose and time is on Russia's side, he argued, calling Ukraine "the land of nobody." Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned the Hungarian Ambassador Istvan Ijgyarto on Tuesday, Ja. 31, to express a strong protest over the comments made by Orban. Visit for more updates on the conflict in Ukraine. Watch the video below where President Joe Biden admits that he sent tanks to Ukraine. This video is from the InfoWars channel on

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