Beneficial enzymes in barley grass can boost gut health and protect against cancer
By zoeysky // 2023-02-02
Supplements can help you get the nutrients you need, but it's also important to follow a balanced diet and eat a variety of nutritious foods like green foods, which provide your body with essential nutrients. Green foods like barley grass contain beneficial enzymes that provide your body with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients in the most natural and readily available way. If you're still on the fence about adding barley grass to your diet, read on to find out why you should try it.

Barley grass may help protect against chronic diseases and cancer

Barley grass is worth trying because it offers several health benefits. Data suggests that barley grass can support a healthy gut microbiota. It can also help your body eliminate accumulated toxins by relieving inflammation in the gut. (Related: These 3 foods can boost your heart and gut health.) Incorporating barley grass into your diet helps boost your immune system, promotes optimal acid-alkali balance and naturally cleanses and detoxifies your body. Barley grass contains potent antioxidants that can protect against radiation and cell damage by helping regenerate damaged issues. Barley grass can also help prevent the development of several diseases linked to oxidative stress. It works with vitamin E and beta carotene and functions as a supplier of the critical enzyme superoxide dismutase. Data suggests that barley grass can be used to prevent and treat cancer thanks to superoxide dismutase. This enzyme helps neutralize the effects of oxygen-free radicals produced during energy metabolism. The enzymes in barley grass help suppress the rapid growth of cancer cells by decomposing and counteracting the effects of toxic hydrogen peroxide, which is generated during respiration. Barley grass can also help you maintain healthy skin and bones and promote agility. It can even help the body deal with stress and keep cholesterol levels in check. When paired with a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, barley grass can help purify the blood. The vitamin E in barley grass helps regulate optimal hormone balance. Barley grass also contains vitamin K, which has a crucial role in assuring normal bone metabolism. Barley grass also helps boost concentration and reduces the effects of learning disorders.

Tips for incorporating barley grass into a balanced diet

Barley grass leaves are full of vitamins and minerals such as:
  • Beta carotene
  • Calcium
  • Copper
  • Folic acid
  • Iron
  • Magnesium
  • Manganese
  • Pantothenic acid
  • Phosphorus
  • Potassium
  • Vitamin B1
  • Vitamin B2
  • Vitamin B6
  • Vitamin C
  • Zinc
Barley grass contains at least 30 times more vitamin B1 and 11 times the amount of calcium in cow's milk. Compared to spinach, barley grass contains nearly five times more iron. It also contains at least seven times the vitamin C in oranges, four times the vitamin B1 in whole wheat flour and 80 micrograms of vitamin B12 per 100 grams of dried barley plant juice. To add barley grass to your regular diet, consume it as a juice extract from cereal grass sprouts. You can also buy it as a green powder and use it to make juices or smoothies.

Barley grass recipes to try

These recipes for various beverages and dishes include barley grass and other nutritious ingredients. Barley grass smoothie This basic recipe makes a thirst-quenching barley grass juice. Ingredients for four servings:
  • 1 Glass fresh apple juice
  • 1 Glass water
  • 1/2 Cup fresh organic frozen blueberries
  • 1/2 Cup fresh organic frozen red berries
  • 1 Tablespoon barley grass powder
  • 1 Ripe banana
  • 1 Pinch coconut powder
  • Ice
  1. Combine the water, apple juice, frozen berries, banana, coconut powder and barley grass powder and ice in a blender. Process until it reaches the desired consistency.
  2. Pour the mixture into four glasses.
Barley grass scrambled eggs Make breakfast a fun and healthy meal by making green barley grass scrambled eggs. Ingredients for two servings:
  • 4 Eggs
  • 1/4 Cup Milk
  • 4 Teaspoons of barley grass juice powder or barley grass powder
  • 2 Teaspoons butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  1. Add the eggs, milk, barley grass juice powder, salt and pepper into your blender. Process the ingredients to form a mixture.
  2. Heat the butter in a large non-stick skillet until hot. Pour in the mixture and wait for it to set.
  3. Gently pull, lift and fold the eggs with a spatula and continue cooking the eggs over medium heat.
  4. Remove the eggs from the heat when no more visible liquid remains.
  5. Serve the eggs immediately when hot.
Barley grass gluten-free energy balls Get a natural energy boost with these gluten-free energy balls. Ingredients for eight servings:
  • 2 Tablespoons ground almonds
  • 1 Tablespoon almond butter or sesame tahini
  • 1 Tablespoon barley grass juice powder or barley grass powder
  • 1 Tablespoon milled pumpkin seeds
  • 5-1 Tablespoons honey
  • Berries (Optional.)
  1. Add all almond butter, ground almonds, barley grass powder, pumpkin seeds, honey and berries (if using) into a blender. Process until the mixture turns into a dough. You can also use a fork if you don't have a blender.
  2. Wash your hands. Take a spoonful of the dough and use your clean hands to roll the dough into a ball.
  3. Consume the energy balls immediately or store them in an airtight container in the fridge.
Green pumpkin soup Make this pumpkin soup if you're craving a warm, healthy dish. Ingredients:
  • 400g Hokkaido pumpkin
  • 1 Bouillon cube
  • 500 ml water
  • 20g green onion
  • 10g barley grass juice powder or barley grass powder
  • 1 Pinch turmeric
  • 1 Pinch chili powder (Optional.)
  1. Chop the Hokkaido pumpkin and green onion into pieces.
  2. Bring the water to a boil in a pot before adding the chopped pumpkin, onion and the bouillon cube.
  3. Let the ingredients boil in the pot for at least 15 minutes.
  4. After 15 minutes, use a blender to mix the soup well.
  5. Add the barley grass powder, turmeric and the chili powder to the pot. Pour in the pureed soup and stir.
  6. Ladle the soup into bowls before serving.
Follow a balanced diet and try barley grass powder to boost your gut health and protect against cancer. Visit to read up on other amazing superfoods. Watch the video below to know more about some of the health benefits of barley grass powder. This video is from the Natural Cures channel on

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