Biden sends 31 Abrams M1 tanks to Ukraine after previously warning that doing so would lead to World War III
By ethanh // 2023-02-02
Reneging on statements he made last March, fake president Joe Biden has decided to send offensive tank weaponry to Ukraine, which he previously warned was unwise because doing so would unleash World War III. Biden announced last week that United States taxpayers will be forced to equip Ukraine with 31 Abrams M1 main battle tanks, which will escalate the conflict with Russia. "With spring approaching, Ukrainian forces are working to defend the territory they hold and preparing for additional counter offenses to liberate their land," Biden said as justification for this decision. "They need to be able to counter Russia's evolving tactics and strategy on the battlefield in the very near term. They need to improve their ability to maneuver on open terrain, and they need an enduring capability to deter and defend against Russian aggression over the long term." Last spring, however, Biden made statements to the contrary when he decided not to send 28 Soviet MiG-29 fighter jets to Ukraine, arguing that doing so would escalate the situation into a global conflict. "The idea that we're going to send in offensive equipment and have planes and tanks and trains going in with American pilots and American crews – just understand, don't kid yourself, no matter what y'all say, that's called World War III," the Pedophile-in-Chief told House Democrats last March.

Does Biden want to unleash WWIII?

Rep. Dan Bishop (R-N.C.) tweeted about Biden's about-face decision to send 31 battle tanks after previously deciding not to send the 28 Soviet MiG-29s: Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) also tweeted about the dangers of Biden's latest decision, which very well could be the trigger point for WWIII. "Deploying offensive weapons against a nuclear power is a terrible idea," he wrote. A group of military officials is also said to be quietly pushing the Pentagon to approve the sending of F-16 fighter jets in addition to the tanks, which would almost for sure result in a major escalation of the conflict. "Given that (1) we're giving Ukraine weapons to use against Russia, (2) Russia has an abundance of nukes, and (3) Russia is increasingly expressing hostility toward us, at what point should we worry that our arms deliveries might prompt Russia to attack us?" said Sen. Mike Lee (R-Ut.). Lee added in a series of tweets a question about whether or not Congress would need to authorize arming Ukraine and if the War Powers Act could be triggered by the move. "Is there any point at which the War Powers Act could be triggered by our delivery of weapons to Ukraine?" he asked. "Should the answer to the first two questions determine whether a declaration of war or a congressional authorization for the use of military force is necessary for the U.S. to continue giving Ukraine weapons to use against an increasingly hostile Russia?" In the comments, someone wrote that perhaps each of the tanks "will include millions in American cash," seeing as how Ukraine is a money-laundering, bioweapons-producing proxy country for deep state criminality. "Next thing you know it will be imperative we send maintenance crews and advisors," wrote another. "When America's sons get shipped off to WW3 and die in a war no patriot voted for, make sure to thank the low-IQ, braindead Democrats for voting in a dementia patient who got America involved in a war we shouldn't be involved in," said someone else. "If your son comes home in a box from Eastern Europe, thank a Democrat voter for it." The latest news coverage on this subject can be found at Sources for this article include: