Big Tech protecting Big Pharma: Google censors bombshell revelation by Project Veritas about Pfizer
By ramontomeydw // 2023-02-02
Tech giant Google has shown that its loyalties lie with Big Pharma after it censored the recent Project Veritas expose about Pfizer wanting to mutate the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19). According to the Liberty Daily, the anti-corruption group led by James O'Keefe noted this observation in a tweet. A Google search for "Pfizer Project Veritas" returned an "It looks like the results below are changing quickly" message. As of writing, a search for the aforementioned keywords returned several articles from mainstream media sources defending the drug manufacturer. "The results have since been 'fixed,' quite literally," the Liberty Daily said. "Most of the top listings … show 'fact check' websites claiming the video is 'unverified,' or corporate media news outlets calling the incident 'alleged.' Google hates the truth. They always have. They're in the business of narrative-building, and the narrative they're building regarding the recent Project Veritas bombshell is a lie: 'Nothing to see here.'" A separate report by RedState showed that the censorship also extended to YouTube, which is owned by the California-based Big Tech company. The piece mentioned that a search with the phrase "Project Veritas Pfizer" displays the whistleblower group's YouTube page, but none of its videos. (Related: Damage control: Pfizer releases “urgent guidance” telling employees how to handle Project Veritas bombshell video.) "What they do show you at the top of the page, however, is an independent fact-check from Newsweek saying that the Project Veritas video is 'unverified' since the video doesn't show Pfizer in the actual act of mutating COVID. The point is to put people off of the Project Veritas video and have them take it less seriously." "Whether this is a direct request to censor materials from Pfizer or the left's continued hatred of Project Veritas remains to be seen. The revelation that Big Pharma and Big Tech are working together suggests that there's a concerted effort to hide this information. If that's the case, then one has to ask why."

Pfizer planning to mutate SARS-CoV-2 to make more money

The video, which has been censored on different Big Tech platforms, featured Pfizer Director of Research and Development Jordon Trishton Walker revealing how the New York-based drug company is planning to mutate the pathogen behind COVID-19. This would enable the company to develop new vaccines and rake in more profits. "One of the things we are exploring is: 'Why don't we just mutate [SARS-CoV-2] ourselves so we could … preemptively develop new vaccines?' If we're [going to] do that though, there's a risk. No one wants to be having a [pharmaceutical] company mutating viruses," Walker told an undercover journalist with Project Veritas. The Pfizer executive added that Pfizer scientists were "optimizing" the mutation process, albeit at a slow pace "because everyone is very cautious." He added: "I think they are also just trying to do it as an exploratory thing because you obviously don't want to advertise that you are figuring out future mutations." O'Keefe and a film crew later confronted Walker over his remarks, revealing that everything the Pfizer director said was caught on video. Walker called the police and proceeded to assault the Project Veritas founder while waiting for law enforcement. He grabbed O'Keefe's tablet and smashed it on the floor. Visit for more stories about Google's censorship. Watch this video of Jordon Trishton Walker's admission about mutating COVID-19 and the subsequent confrontation with James O'Keefe. This video is from the Information Warfare channel on

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