PREP Act passed in 2020 was designed to protect everyone EXCEPT those injured by vaccines
By ethanh // 2023-02-08
Just prior to the launch of covid, the Trump administration passed the so-called Public Readiness and Emergency Preparedness (PREP) Act, which furnished the vaccine industry with a full liability exemption from all harm caused by covid "vaccines." The PREP Act, we now know, was specifically unveiled and quietly passed to protect Big Pharma's profits from lawsuits stemming from injuries and deaths caused by the deadly Operation Warp Speed injections, which are still in circulation. The PREP Act also authorizes the secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to declare that "a disease or other health condition or other threat to health constitutes a public health emergency," granting a "covered person" immunity from legal liability for all claims of loss relating to the use of "countermeasures" including the injections and other drugs and medical devices. Those at the top of the food chain knew what was coming well in advance, which explains the precise timing of the PREP Act's passage. Now, all the government has to do is declare an "emergency" and voila: drug makers are instantly immune from all liability caused by their emergency countermeasures. "PREP provides liability protection to what is termed a 'covered person'; the U.S. government; a manufacturer, a distributor, a program planner; and one who administers, or dispenses such countermeasures," explain Ray L. Flores II, Esq. and Catherine Heiser, writing for The Defender. "Additionally, a manufacturer or distributor can't be the defendant unless the HHS secretary or the U.S. attorney general has initiated an enforcement action." (Related: Under Trump, the PREP Act was also amended to allow for children as young as three to get jabbed by pharmacists for covid and other "emergencies".)

Schools that inject students for covid without consent cannot be held liable either, thanks to the PREP Act

The current PREP emergency for covid and its countermeasures is set to expire on Oct. 1, 2024. This means that for another year and a half, nobody injured or killed by covid injections, drugs, ventilators, or other emergency countermeasures can sue or otherwise hold Big Pharma accountable. The parents of a six-year-old in Vermont are learning this the hard way after they tried, but failed, to hold a West Brattleboro elementary school accountable for injecting the child without consent. Reports indicate that the child was given the wrong nametag during a school-based, state-sponsored clinic, resulting in school officials forcing him to get injected against his will. His parents tried to sue, only to discover that the PREP Act shields the school from all liability. "Under the definition [of administration of a countermeasure], these liability claims are precluded if they allege an injury caused by a countermeasure, or if the claims are due to manufacture, delivery, distribution, dispensing, or management and operation of countermeasure programs at distribution and dispensing sites," ruled Judge Michael Kainen. As of January 27, there are 278,727 reported serious injuries and 34,122 deaths linked to covid injections. This is according to data in the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), a government-run database that captures as little as one percent of all vaccine injuries and deaths. As of this writing, not a single one of these hundreds of thousands of victims has received any kind of payout for what covid injections did to them. "The PREP Act's only exception to legal immunity is 'willful misconduct that results in serious injury or death,'" reports explain. "The law – if applied literally, without deference to common sense – conceivably could go so far as to grant immunity to a crazed governmental official running down the street and injecting people at random with impunity. Indeed PREP is a sentry not only for pharma, but for all those overzealous proponents and purveyors caught up in the madness." The United States is run by criminal tyrants. To learn more, visit Sources for this article include: