Even Christian schools are now hopping on the Common Core bandwagon, says veteran educator Mary Black
By kevinhughes // 2023-02-09
Veteran educator Mary Black lamented the fact that even "Christian" schools are now hopping on the Common Core bandwagon. Black told host Alex Newman in the Feb. 2 episode of the latter's "Conversations That Matter" podcast that she found it alarming. Newman agreed, noting that Catholic schools are taking the path of wokeism by adopting Common Core alongside Critical Race Theory (CRT). Moreover, a lot of Protestant schools are now almost indistinguishable from government-run schools. The Common Core State Standards Initiative, or simply Common Core, is an educational initiative that details what K-12 students throughout the United States should know in English language arts and mathematics at the conclusion of each school grade. The Common Core standards were developed in 2009 before it was released in 2010. Within a few of months, it was endorsed by 45 American states and the District of Columbia. Publishers have aligned their materials with Common Core, and technology corporations have created software and curriculum in line with it. Two federally funded companies have even made online tests of the Common Core. Black shared an instance where she and others visited a religious school in Green Bay, Wisconsin. She met with the said school's academic team and pointed out the wrong teachings the school was imparting to children. As a parent and teacher herself, Black remarked that it is against God's law to teach wrong to children. According to Black, the pivot to Common Core in American religious schools and in Christian textbooks reflect a humanist and secular view. This is all connected to the United Nations' goal of a one world government, with it in charge. Newman, meanwhile, found it very concerning that a supposedly Christian textbook is teaching children how to be "good" world citizens. In other words, that book is telling kids to obey the rules and follow orders without even thinking. Moving children out of public schools and into Christian schools changes nothing, Newman added, as the same subversive and evil ideas are also in the books they use. (Related: Dr. John Diamond to American parents: Do whatever you can to get your children out of public schools – Brighteon.TV.)

Common Core embedded in Obama-era Every Student Succeeds Act

Black told Newman that most of the Christian schools these days have become involved in a voucher system, subjecting them to the mandates of the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), signed in 2015 by former President Barack Obama. Submission to the ESSA means that schools must include Common Core subjects in their curriculum. The veteran educator, who serves as the elementary director of Dr. Duke Pesta's Freedom Project Academy, also remarked that Common Core is embedded in the ESSA. "It's mandated, it's codified and all they did was they changed the name of it to College and Career Ready Standards," Black explained. Newman agreed, describing the move as a bait-and-switch tactic applied by the states. He expressed belief that a lot of people are now under the mistaken impression that Common Core is gone because all the governors denied its existence in their school systems. The veteran educator also pointed out that Common Core was embedded in social-emotional learning (SEL), which replaces academic learning with indoctrination. She also urged people to visit the website of the Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL) as it shows how left-leaning school authorities are trying to adjust student attitudes. Newman, who hosts "The Sentinel Report" on Brighteon.TV, dubbed SEL as a "very scientific indoctrination" they have been studying for a long time to manipulate children in having "the right attitudes, values and beliefs." He also mentioned that globalist technocrat Bill Gates funded CASEL and the idea for SEL first emerged from the Kalamazoo, Michigan-based Fetzer Institute. Visit EducationSystem.news for more news related to the education system in America. Watch the full conversation between Alex Newman and Mary Black about how Christian schools in America are going woke below. This video is from The New American channel on Brighteon.com.

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