JOURNO-NAZIS: German press pushes global propaganda front, claiming to target "disinformation"
By ethanh // 2023-02-10
If you thought censorship was just a Silicon Valley and United States Deep State thing, think again. The German state-sponsored news outlet ZDF is reportedly teaming up with other state-sponsored news outlets in countries like Canada, Switzerland and Belgium to "develop online-based solutions to enable civic engagement and democratic discourse in digital space away from hate comments and increasing disinformation." ZDF reported that CBC News in Canada, SRG SSR in Switzerland and RTBF in Belgium are all working together with itself to develop new methods of silencing the truth online – or what these four fake news giants have dubbed as "hate comments and increasing disinformation." Called the Public Spaces Incubator, the initiative aims to develop and test "innovative building blocks for open and respectful online discussions" – this is code for keeping a lid on the "hateful" truth while promoting the "loving" narratives of the globalist Deep State. (Related: Remember when Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren called for Amazon to launch its own book burning to fight COVID "misinformation?")

The Fourth Reich: This is 1930s Germany happening all over again

ZDF Director Dr. Norbert Himmler announced that the project is necessary in order to ensure that "democracy thrives." He added in a statement that the Public Spaces Incubator exists to promote "an open and fair dialogue in society" – including societies other than just the United States, which is already heavily censored. "We must not leave that to the major American platforms," Himmler said. "The Public Spaces Incubator project is intended to show ways in which public broadcasting can create independent and fact-based communication spaces in the digital world can build. Our common goal is to counter the increase in hatred, violence, propaganda and defamation on social media with a public service alternative." The non-profit group New_Public is also involved with the project, boasting extensive experience and expertise in driving "non-profit-oriented digital communication." The group's co-founder, Eli Pariser, authored a book called "The Filter Bubble: How We Are Being Disenfranchised on the Internet" that serves as a type of manifesto for the digital book burning agenda behind the Public Spaces Incubator. Together with New_Public co-founder, Deepti Doshi, Pariser is working on new designs for "interdisciplinary digital spaces to strengthen democratic civic coexistence." Whenever you see these bizarre types of word salad descriptions for a project, you know those driving it are up to no good. They cannot stand free speech and are constantly trying to devise new ways to squelch it, which is what the Public Spaces Incubator is all about. All of this is reminiscent of what took place in Germany during the 1930s. The state-controlled media of that time, in collusion with Western media outlets like the Associated Press (AP), agreed to never publish anything that might be "calculated to weaken the strength of the Reich abroad or at home" – this, of course, refers to Adolph Hitler's Third Reich. "The Associated Press news agency entered a formal cooperation with the Hitler regime in the 1930s, supplying American newspapers with material directly produced and selected by the Nazi propaganda ministry, archive material unearthed by a German historian has revealed," reported the Guardian in 2016. "In an article published in academic journal Studies in Contemporary History, historian Harriet Scharnberg shows that AP was only able to retain its access by entering into a mutually beneficial two-way cooperation with the Nazi regime." The Guardian further revealed that the AP signed the so-called Schriftleitergesetz, or editor's law, promising to never publish anything that threatened to hurt the Reich and its efforts – sound familiar? The latest news about the Deep State's censorship efforts can be found at Sources for this article include: