Marjorie Taylor Greene blasts Twitter for permanently suspending her account while allowing child pornography
By ethanh // 2023-02-10
The congressional grilling of Twitter executives by Republicans on the House Oversight Committee saw numerous outbursts, including one from Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.) who interrupted an exchange between Rep, Jimmy Gomez (D-Ca.) and Twitter's former head of Trust and Safety, Yoel Roth, to call out the social media platform's censorship hypocrisy. "Who made you in charge of what's true and what's false?" Greene shouted. "You permanently banned my Twitter account but you allowed child porn all over Twitter. You can consider your speech canceled during my time because you canceled mine" – watch the heated exchange below: What Greene was referring to is the time she was banned from Twitter in January 2022 for tweeting Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting Data (VAERS) about covid "vaccine" deaths. (Related: In May 2021, Greene went after Nancy Pelosi for spreading fake science about covid injections.)

AOC goes to bat for Hunter Biden, says damning laptop contents are a "fake story"

During the same congressional hearing, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) lied to the room about the Twitter account "Libs of TikTok," falsely stating that Boston Children's Hospital never advertised hysterectomies for children like said account claimed. "That account is still on the platform, isn't it?" AOC asked Yoel Roth. "Regrettably, yes it is," Roth responded – watch that exchange below: It turns out that Libs of TikTok told the truth about Boston Children's Hospital, which openly admitted that it now offers "gender affirming hysterectomies" for young girls: As usual, AOC got her facts wrong. Boston Children's Hospital is proud to cut off children's genitals and has said so on many occasions. "It's all documented," tweeted Seth Dillon of The Babylon Bee. "But this is what they do – they use information to smear you as being a source of it." The Libs of TikTok Twitter account also tweeted its own response to AOC's lies, showing her the definition of defamation: "1. The act of defaming, calumny, slander, or libel. 2. The act of defaming; the wrong of injuring another's reputation without good reason or justification; aspersion." Another thing AOC lied about was Hunter Biden's laptop, calling its verified contents "alleged" rather than real. The New York Post, which published the original story on those contents, was punished by Twitter for doing so – and AOC says rightfully so. According to AOC, the Post should have shared more information about its sourcing on this "fake story." Why is AOC going to bat for the Biden Crime Family? She is a Democrat, and that is what they do. They must pay homage to Papa Joe Biden, also known as the "big guy," by pretending his crackhead son Hunter is innocent rather than guilty of treason against the United States. White House spokesman Ian Sams blasted the GOP for daring to press Twitter about these matters, calling it a "bizarre political stunt." "This appears to be the latest effort by the House Republican majority's most extreme MAGA members to question and relitigate the outcome of the 2020 election," Sams declared in a statement. "This is not what the American people want their leaders to work on." The latest news about Twitter can be found at Sources for this article include: